Chapter 32: Plans

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The dragon carriage began to slow down as they had reached their destination.

???: We've arrived.

Seren: Great thanks Otto.

They had just arrived at a house overlooking the capital of Lagunica. Seren had needed to get there as quickly as possible, luckily Otto appeared at the perfect time. He was a young man with grey hair, he wore mostly green with a tunic and hat of the colour. He had ended up in deep trouble due to having some oil worth almost nothing. Seren had promised him that Roswaal would buy the oil if he gave him a ride here, Otto quickly accepted his offer.

Otto had taken him to what would be the temporary headquarters of the Emilia camp. After the mansion burned down Roswaal quickly paid for a new one to be built but until it was finished, this was the only place they could go. It was a fairly large house that had been built in Roswaal's domain many years ago but it had since been abandoned. It was still not big enough for everyone so space was still a problem, but it would manage until the new mansion was done.

Seren: Thanks Otto, wait here I'll go speak to Roswaal.

Otto: Yes I can't thank you enough mr Seren.

Seren nodded and walked up to the building and went inside. The building seemed even smaller on the inside, there was a small entry way that led to one large room. Taking up the entire left side of the room was the kitchen where Rem and Ram seemed to be cooking something. At the back right was a basic dinning room where Frederica was cleaning the table. At the front right was a small living room where Garfiel and IO were exchanging idle banter with Emilia also sitting there speaking with Petra. In the centre of the room was a spiral staircase that seemed to lead to the second floor.

Rem: Seren, you made it!

Rem was the first to greet him with a happy smile.

Seren: High everyone, so this is the place Huh?

Rem: Yes, it is a bit cramped but Rem doesn't mind.

Seren: Yeah but this is a bit absurd, we've got 9 people plus IO and now Otto, that's 11 people in a building meant for 4 or 5.

Frederica: Yes unfortunately there are only 3 bedrooms as well. So many of us will have to double up.

Seren: Speaking of everyone, where's Roswaal and Beako?

Ram: Master Roswaal is in his room, miss Beatrice is waiting in your room.

Seren: I have a room? So I can assume you've already decided who going in which room?

Ram: Indeed, Yourself, the one you informed us would give you a ride here, the one you called Otto, IO and Garf will be sharing one room, Rem, Petra, Miss Emilia and miss Beatrice will share a room and finally Myself, Master Roswaal and Frederica will share the last room.

Seren: Alright. I would have liked to be with Rem but I'll go with your decision. Anyway I'm going to see Beako.

Ram: First door on the left.

Seren nodded and walked up the spiral staircase to the second floor. It was mostly doors with a window at the end of the hallway. Seren entered the first door to his left to find Beatrice sitting in a chair inside the room.

Seren: Hey Beako.

Beatrice: Hello I suppose.

Hearing that made Seren smile. Before she would have made some kind of comment about how he was annoying her or wasting her time, but not now.

Seren: I never really got to talk to you about it but good job taking down the great rabbit.

Beatrice: T-thank you S-Seren.

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