Chapter 30: Checkmate

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Seren: Alright Beako let's do this!

Seren and Beatrice were facing the great rabbit, one the three great mabeasts. Seren had no idea how he would beat the monster but he knew he had too.

Seren: So how are we gonna do this?

Beatrice: Betty will do this, you have to stop Roswaal.

Seren: Roswaal?

Beatrice: Roswaal won't simply let you destroy his plans, his book has likely told him to interfere with Betty. You must defeat him or at least hold him off until Betty is finished I suppose.

Seren: Are you sure you can take it down on your own.

Beatrice: Betty is perfectly capable of such I suppose.

Seren: Alright but, please don't die.

Seren knelt down to Beatrice level and pulled her into a hug. Beatrice looked surprised for a moment before she simply accepted Seren's embrace.

Seren: I love you my sister so please be safe.

Beatrice: Y-yeah, Betty will be ok. b-brother.

Seren: Your so damn cute!

Beatrice: Just go I suppose!

Seren nodded and ran through the snowy landscape toward the house where Roswaal was staying. When he arrived he could see Roswaal standing in front of the house. He was back in his usual attire with no trace of his injuries left.

Roswaal: Well well if it isn't Seeeeeeeren.

Seren: This is it Roswaal, your plans failed give it up!

Roswaal: That will not be pooooooooosible. As long as the great rabbit lives my plan is stiiiiiiiiiiiil intact. Once I kill Beeeeeeeeatrice you will fail and I will still win.

Seren: Not a chance, if you want to hurt Beako you'll have to get past me!

Roswaal: I am the strongest magic user in history, what could you do? Either way I need you alive. So I will not kiiiiiiiiil you, but I will injure you, badly.

Seren: Likewise. I can't kill you, otherwise no one will be backing Emilia. But I'll still buy enough time for your plan to fall apart!

Seren charged Roswaal, going for a powerful punch to his head. However Roswaal easily avoided it.

Seren: He's fast, I'll have to pick up the pase.

Seren prepared to attack again when a powerful blade of wind flew past, barely missing him. Seren ran in at an even quicker speed, but Roswaal was just too quick. Seren didn't want to use his unseen hand because of how dangerous it was. He couldn't kill Roswaal so he didn't want to use his powers. He didn't have IO either since he was still with Garfiel.

Roswaal: What wrong? Your holding back.

Seren charged him again, being avoided easily.

Roswaal: You have no hope to defeeeeeeat me by doing that over and over.

Seren: And I don't need to win, I'm just here to stall you.

Roswaal: True, well then I'll make this quick.

Roswaal shot forward at Seren, slamming him with a powerful uppercut to the jaw. Seren flew several meters in the air. As he flew Seren decided enough was enough. He couldn't kill Roswaal but he could still rip off his arms or his legs. When he landed Seren unleashed the unseen hand on Roswaal. He couldn't see them but Roswaal sensed something come at him so he jumped out of the way, avoided them just in time. But Seren knew where he was going to land, he had him. As Roswaal landed he felt Seren's fist impact with his chest, Roswaal felt a rib crack but he shrugged it off, flying out of reach.

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