IX | Confrontation

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The sound of an impending fight echoed through the halls. Elliot dragged Clementine closer, and when they turned into the corridor which led towards the courtyard, Carmichael, Bernard, and Stanley came into view, and they had the three arachnoids in a chokehold.

          "Stop lying to us!" Carmichael growled, choking Frederick so firmly that his ice-pale face began to turn blue.

          Elliot let go of Clementine's arm and squealed in worry, rushing over to them. "This is a bad idea!" he insisted.

          Clementine stopped a few feet away, watching. The two girls struggled and grunted in Stanley and Bernard's grip, trying to break free and get to Frederick, who had stopped putting up a fight the moment his arms had fallen limp at his sides.

          "I'm going to give you one more chance, freak!" Carmichael growled, glaring into Frederick's eyes. "Why did you kill Molly!?"

          "We didn't do it!" Nicolette cried.

          "You have to believe us!" her sister whined.

          "Shut them up," Carmichael grunted, glancing over at them.

          "Stop this!" Elliot insisted, standing in front of him. "Someone's going to hear this and see!"

          Carmichael shoved him aside with his free hand and then gripped Frederick's collar, releasing his throat a little so that he might speak. "Answer me!"

          But it wasn't words that came out of Frederick's mouth. The moment he was given the chance, he spat something silky into Carmichael's face, forcing him to let go and stumble back with a horrified grunt—

          Frederick lunged at Carmichael, grabbing him in an instant as Elliot gripped Clementine's sleeve and screeched in horror. Bernard and Stanley lost their composure, and before they could do anything about it, Nicolette and her sister broke free.

          Clementine watched as the six of them wrestled one another. They punched, clawed and yelled—the arachnoids soon took to shooting their web-like silk at Carmichael and his friends, and when the girls managed to stick Bernard to the wall, Clementine eyed the web closely.

          It was more silky than crystal-like—it didn't look much like that which he had seen Molly ensnared in, but then again, there had been a lot more of it around Molly.

          "Stop!" Elliot cried.

          Carmichael stood his ground against Frederick and Nicolette now that Bernard was out, grunting and growling as he tried to pull free of the web, but he wasn't going anywhere.

The Atrophy of Clementine DarlingtonWhere stories live. Discover now