XXVIII | Blood

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History dragged on for two hours. By time Clementine was let out of the classroom, it was time for him to take the day's second med. He went to wander off on his own to take it, but he hesitated and looked over at Mathew, Mavis, and Elliot. The three of them were chattering excitedly about the upcoming trip to Ulrora Slope that Professor Warren had mentioned everyone would be taking to go and buy outfits for the All-Hallows' Eve ball.

          Should he ask them to tag along? He just needed to head into the bathroom real fast, down his med, and that was it. Simple.

          "Hey, guys," he said, interrupting their conversation.

          They all looked at him.

          "I gotta use the bathroom. Would you mind waiting outside?"

          "Oh, yeah no problem," Elliot said.

          "We're going to hang out in the library together after," Mathew said as they headed towards the bathrooms. "To see if we can find something that would make a good offering."

          Mavis nodded. "We have four days to work out our offering—it will be greater than anything!"

          "When are we heading to Ulrora Slope?" Mathew asked. "Professor Warren said there are carriages tomorrow and Wednesday."

          "I think we should go tomorrow," Elliot said as they reached the bathroom door. "The sooner we get it out of the way, the better, right?" He looked at Clementine.

          "Yeah," he said, pushing the bathroom door open. "I'll be right back."

          "All right," Elliot said with a nod.

          Clementine let the door swing shut behind him. He followed the short corridor to the second door, pushed it open, and made his way along the bathroom's marble floor. He stepped into the middle cubicle, locked the door, and closed the toilet lid. Then, he sat down and reached into his bag. He pulled out his pen, unscrewed it, and let one of the small white pills fall out into his hand. With a quiet sigh, he lifted his hand closer to his face and threw the pill into his mouth.

          He tilted his head back, swallowing the rancid medication, but that was when he heard the door open—or at least a door. He tensed up, staring at the stall door. He didn't hear the bustling of students outside or the sound of Elliot, Mavis or Mathew chattering, either.

          The sound of balmoral shoes clinked against the marble, and as he sat there, Clementine recalled what had happened the last time he'd been sitting in a stall in the bathroom. Sebastien—the thought of that kid angered him, and if it was him, he was ready to give him a piece of his mind.

The Atrophy of Clementine DarlingtonWhere stories live. Discover now