LVII | Rule Breaker

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When history came to an end, Clementine felt that same angst brewing in his stomach. It was a feeling of desperation, fear, and hope. Desperation to complete his task, the fear that the plan wouldn't work, and the hope that once it was over, he'd get to spend at least a few days with Sebastien before his body gave in.

          He packed his things into his backpack, letting out a heavy sigh as he flexed his hand. Professor Warren had sprung a test on the class, and Clementine wasn't sure if he scored high enough, but he didn't care. It wasn't like he was going to be here to find out.

          Professor Warren dismissed the class, which now consisted of only twelve out of the initial thirty students. Clementine tried to avoid the professor's sceptical gaze, but the man eyed every student as they left. However, he seemed to glare for a little longer when Clementine stepped out into the hall and sunk into Sebastien's embrace.

          "How was history?" Sebastien asked, moving his arm over Clementine's shoulders as they made their way down the hall.

          "Boring, as usual. Can I ask you something?"

          He nodded.

          "Does your dad know about us?"

          "He has his suspicions. He's asked me more times than I bothered to remember if you and I were a thing."

          "What did you say?"

          Sebastien shrugged. "I told him I like you."

          "Did he seem mad?"

          "Not really. He did catch us in the hall that one night, and we made it out like we were having a lover's quarrel."

          "No, you made it out like that was what was happening."

          "Well, it worked, didn't it?" he said with a smirk.

          Clementine sighed. "Yeah, I guess. Anyway, where's Mathew?"

          "He's gonna meet us by the supply closet I used to get you back over here that one time."


          They continued down the corridor and past the lunch hall, but just as they were about to head into the next hall, the gramophones fizzed and buzzed.

          "All students, please head to the assembly hall. All students, please head to the assembly hall."

          Sebastien sighed deeply as they stopped walking. "It would happen now, wouldn't it?" he grumbled.

          Clementine rolled his eyes as the gramophones continued to blare. "Should I go?"

          "Would Mathew and Mavis go?"

The Atrophy of Clementine DarlingtonWhere stories live. Discover now