LIV | Liar

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A horrific roar echoed through the halls as Clementine and Mathew ran for their lives. Clementine wasn't sure how many of the professors had transformed to chase them, nor did he know if they had seen his face or not; all he knew was that he needed to get somewhere with a crowd. He'd only ever seen those creatures wandering around at night and in places no students were, so it was obvious the professors wanted to keep the existence of the creatures they were a secret.

          But all the moving and struggling and running was taking its toll on Clementine's body. His head was thumping, his heart was trying to break free of his chest, and his limbs felt as though they might fall off any moment. Each breath he took ensnared his body in pain, he could feel his legs getting weaker, and as he turned into another empty hallway, he felt himself slowing down.

          He couldn't do this anymore—he needed to stop; he needed a break. But if he didn't keep running, he'd become those creatures' next meal. With a desperate frown, he glanced over his shoulder, setting his eyes on the three beasts not far behind. The horned one led the others, its yellow eyes glaring right into Clementine's soul. That was the first creature he'd seen go into the lounge, and soon after, Professor Huxley had emerged. Of course, that made sense, too. Not only was Huxley the bigger, fiercer-looking monster, but he was also the Law Institute's teacher and the other professors' superior. He was the alpha, wasn't he?

          "Where do we go?!" Mavis squeaked.

          "What are those things?!" Mathew panicked.

          "Why did the professors turn into them?!" Mavis cried.

          Clementine didn't know what to tell them. He kept running, staring ahead, longing for the sound of a crowd. But each of his steps was slower than the last, his dizziness was evolving into the feeling that he might pass out, and the dread that still had a tight grip on him grew harder to contain.

          However, when they turned right into another corridor, a door just a few feet away swung open. Clementine didn't think twice about heading inside, pulling Mathew with him. But as he swung around to close the door, the person who had opened it pulled it shut.

          Clementine frowned in anger and confusion. "Sebastien?" he uttered.

          Standing with his back against the door, Sebastien held his index finger over his lips, staring at Clementine with a cautious look on his face, which was paler than usual.

          To silence his stifled breaths, Clementine held his hand over his mouth and waited. The thumping of those creatures' footsteps came closer and closer...and as they passed the door, Clementine tensed up. His eyes jumped to the foggy windows, and as he watched the huge shadows of the creatures race by, he wanted to sigh in relief but didn't want to risk making the slightest sound.

The Atrophy of Clementine DarlingtonWhere stories live. Discover now