Sequel - 2 (not edited)

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"What you want morning sickness or the sickness of morning? I'll Always be apart of you, trust Your soul Know it's always true, If I could talk I'd Say to you, CAN I LIVE"


"Camilla, I don't know what to do, I'm not ready for another child. I'm starting a new job and I cannot take maternity leave so soon." Burying her face in her hands, Christiana stress levels were rising.

"You laid down to have that baby, now you have to have it." Christiana knew her older sister was right, but she wouldn't accept that answer.

Here she was again thinking about aborting another child. This time was different it wasn't for a man, it was for her.

"Plus, if you lost that job then Xavier would always be there to take care of you" Christiana shook her head no, she never wanted to depend on a guy again.

Not money wise, or emotionally.

After Dave, she promised to be the reason she was, one happy and two financially stable

It was true that Xavier could take care of himself, her daughter, and her and his bank account would probably still hold a lot of zeros.

She just didn't want to live a life like that, again.

While Christiana held this secret back from Xavier, Dave was in the hallway taking in every word.

When Camilla left the room, Dave walked in replacing
her spot.

"So you pregnant by that nigga?" Pissed wasn't a good enough word to describe his mood.

"Yeah... I'm not keeping it though." Christiana had made up her mind, which only made Dave want to jump for joy.

"I made an appointment.. Can you come with me?" Dave couldn't do anything but stare, shaking his head no. He wanted no part of this.

"Come on, Kaiyah and Camilla don't think I should do it;
I know you want me to have this baby and I need you to make sure this happens." Biting the inside of his cheek he wanted to scream Hell no.

He just couldn't, no wasn't an option anymore after everything he put her through he owed her something.

"Alright Chris, damn" Standing up, they followed each other out the door.

She knew she was going to regret bringing Dave, but at that moment she could take the "support" from a complete stranger that she paid to sit in there with her.

The love she held for her baby father was out of this world, and she wouldn't trade him for anything.

Honestly, he was her everything aside from Kam. For once she had to be self-less. All babies deserved a chance but somehow she couldn't get herself to keep it.

"You career" is all that she repeated inside of her head. That was enough to make her do this.

She was choosing herself over a baby that never got to experience life and she wish she could hug the baby in 8 months, and remind him or her, that everything would be alright because mommy and daddy got you.

Walking out of the clinic, she felt like murderer was written on the top of her forehead.

Mommy turned her back on you, and she's sorry.

Christiana was taking this one to the grave.



"You not tryna give a nigga no play? That's crazy when the roles was switched, I let you in." Laughing at her straight face.

Camilla and August is at the store to get something to cook for dinner tonight and Kam was in school.

It was just the two of us.

"And that got me left at the alter, and a child that you stopped taking care of." Again, she threw that in my face like I wasn't trying to make up for my mistakes.

"Man, I'm sorry. It was a mistake, stop tryna play me like you perfect b! I'm tired of hearing about this shit! It's females like you... never mind, I'm not even gonna argue with you." Clenching my jaw, I looked away.

"You right, I gotta let it go. I'm done bringing it up." Throwing her hands up, she stared at the 50" tv that played Martin.

"Yeah, you keep pointing a nigga out on his mistakes, I'm going to say some shit that you're going to regret." I mugged Christiana, knowing she was going to catch the shade.

"Wow, wow, that's what we're doing? That's the shit you on?" The mug on her face, showed all of the anger.

"You wild, you know that?" Chuckling lowly, "gimme a kiss." Smiling wide at her facial expression.

"Get out my face Dave, imma smack the ash off ya lips." Reaching in her purse, she grabbed the Cherry carmax.

"Oh, you gotta get a nigga ready huh?" For a second I head a small chuckle out of her.

"Nah for real, give me a kiss or imma tell your nigga about your little secret." Christiana's mouth fell open.

Christiana has been playing games with me since I got home, she know a nigga need some love me long time.

She's the one I want it from.

"You're not serious." Shrugging my shoulders.

"You know I don't give a fuck about yo nigga or his feelings. Try me." Biting down on her bottom lip, she leaned closer kissing me.

Slipping my tongue into her mouth, I pushed her back on the couch getting on top of her.

"I missed you baby girl." Shaking her head no quickly.

I almost had her.

"I only did that for Xavier's feelings." She "reminded" me, like I couldn't tell she was feeling a nigga.

"Nah baby, you belong to me. It's always going to be me and you, and a plus one." Chuckling, I leaned in closer pecking her lips.

"You love a nigga don't you?" I eyed her, while she stared at the ground.

"Yeah, Xavier." That was for now, I was going to make her love me again.

All is fair in love and war.

Not edited. Kinda trash, but I'm so sleepy.

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