Chapter 8 - Now

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Sept 22, 2229

Jolting up in bed, Diesel realized there would be workers going to fix the robots from the Legerdemain warehouse the G.E factions used as a meeting place. That attack could have set the G.E back years. There would be infighting for positions of power.

"Oh well," he thought, "I just have to worry about my guys and do my own thing till I'm contacted."

Diesel got out of bed, energized to get a plan into action.


On board the America, Gill strolled to the bay area. In the bay, Melissa put on her Yellowjacket helmet, and the wings unfolded from her back. A MA machine with many specialized arms attached Gunnar's large gun to his hip. Liam had his ESAR strapped to him, and he grabbed its handle, disengaging the gun's safety. Cathan put on his gray and white, barn owl like helmet.

Alexander picked up his EPR. "We're good to go?"

Gill walked over to him. "Yeah."

"This is a rich area. They're not going to like this."

"We'll have to deal with any fallout after we find the Arkvee and have proof of why we did what we did."

"Ok, positions," said Alexander raising his voice.

Martial Call lined up at the bay's closed ramp. Gunnar, Liam, and Alexander attached rappelling lines to their exo-armor. The bay ramp opened, and wind rushed in buffeting them. In their exo-armors, they barely noticed the force of it.

The America hovered above an extraordinarily tall and shiny skyscraper surrounded by many other lustrous skyscrapers. Gunnar, Liam, and Alexander jumped. Melissa and Cathan flew out.

Going down to the top inhabited condominium apartment, yet two hundred and fifty-nine floors above the ground, Melissa and Cathan blasted out a large section of the glass side. The few people inside ran for their lives. Descending fast, Gunnar, Liam, and Alexander swung into the building each releasing their rappelling line in a smooth motion.

Melissa and Cathan flew down to the ground, leaving the others behind.

Onboard the America, Gill watched everything through Martial Call's exo-armor helmets. Checking every face to see if they're ID'ed as G.E.

A tiny drone released from Cathan's exo-armor and hovered twenty-feet above the street observing the building's parking garage exit. Melissa and Cathan rocketed inside.

Alexander searched on the top floor. Liam went down a level, and Gunnar hurried down two floors.

Inside the garage, a large hole descended down with cars stored all around the sides. Cathan flew to the bottom and found a stairwell. Descending a few floors below the parking garage the scanners in his helmet picked up racks of servers behind one door. With no handle on the door, he did not bother with the touchpad next to it. Blasting a hole big enough for his gauntleted hand, he yanked the door right off its hinges.

Entering, he plugged his exo-armor into one of the many routers' massive array of Ethernet ports.

Gill accessed the skyscraper's LAN, taking over its security. Cathan unplugged from the router and headed back up to the parking garage. Most everyone in the building did not know anything was going on yet.

On the Top floor, Alexander rushed down three stories. A minute later Liam hurried down to the level below Alexander.

Gill set an AI to search for the Alacrity through the parking garage's video for that day. The well of cars did not have cameras, and Melissa searched for the Alacrity in it. When the video showed the Alacrity entering the parking garage, the AI alerted Gill. Watching the footage, Gill saw when the person got out of the vehicle, and the parking machine lifted the Alacrity to store it in the well. Gill used facial recognition to search with all the building's cameras. He also set an AI to search through all the security footage from that time forward. It logged every instance of ID'ing the man onto a 3D map of the building, showing the paths they had taken.

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