Chapter 13 - Arriving

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Sept 25, 2229

Stretching, all stiff and sore, Wendy groaned as the semi-truck's trailer swayed a bit. "How long is it going to take to get to this other cell?"

"Don't even know if they're where we're headed. Might take us a while to find them," said Diesel.

"You're not very organized."

"Oh, we do pretty well. We are on communication blackout with Anlon sending guys to interfere. Don't know why he just doesn't stick to dealing with protecting Earth from space and let us down here deal with our own problems."

"Guess not a whole lot of point in protecting Earth if it's not safe on Earth."

"Not safe anywhere in the galaxy."


Joe drove on a road constructed on top of a barrier holding back the waters of the Delaware River. He coasted past buildings partially submerged along the banks of the river and could not tell if anyone occupied them. Driving two miles away he ditched the car and walked back to the buildings.

Once he made it back, he realized he had no plan to get to the buildings and saw no other way than to swim. He hoped he would pick the correct one first. Otherwise, he'd have to swim to the next building; if the G.E cell resided in any of them.

Taking his shoes off, he decided to leave them. Swimming a distance to a building he walked up some stairs out of the water to the second floor. The door swung open, and two men aimed automatic rifles in his face. A third person grabbed him by the shirt and yanked him inside. One of the men kicked the door shut with a bang.

"Joe... What are you doing here?" The man who pulled Joe inside pushed him away and let go of the shirt.

Joe stumbled backward. "Just released... Fucking communication blackout. I can't get in touch with Diesel."

"What? Can't move your jaw? Come over here," said the man walking to a table with equipment piled on it. He grabbed a scanning device. "Sit."

"It's illegal for the cops to put a tracking device on me."

"Seriously man. We are dealing with Anlon now. Don't matter what the law is." The man scanned Joe and the scanner located the tracker under his skin.

"Shit. I was out. In the infirmary."

"What the hell did you do? You led them right to us."

"I thought the attack was to kill me. Get it out of me," said Joe.

"You're on your own. Evacuate now! Let's get out of here." The man ran off and grabbed some gear.

"At least give me a weapon."

A G.E member handed him a large knife as a joke. Joe used it to cut himself open in an attempt to get the tracker. The large knife cut through much more than needed for a small pill-sized tracker. Grimacing, Joe did not feel much pain from the super sharp ceramic blade, but the sight of it caused him to feel overheated and nauseous.

He managed to flick the tracker out with the tip of the knife; it bounced and rolled across the floor. Someone saw it, headed over to it, and lifted their foot up.

"No," said Joe.

The person brought their foot down crushing the tracker.

"Shit! Why? Now they know we found the tracker." Joe took off his damp shirt and cut a strip of cloth from it. Wrapping up his wound he struggled to tie it with one hand. Once done he ran to the closest stairs and fled to the flooded floor below.

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