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Presenting, the last chapter of this year, i.e Chapter 26 and it is dedicated to @AlishaS854 :D



I will admit, I thoroughly dislike Radish and to some extent, I still don't like it. The only reason I force myself to eat it is because of some of its health benefits. In fact, I had it for lunch today. It's a root vegetable with a good amount of vitamin C to protect our red blood cells. It lowers blood pressure for people suffering from hypertension.

It's high on fiber and helps improve digestion by cleansing our liver and stomach, thus detoxifying it. Because of its good water content, radish is a great summer food as it keeps our body hydrated. One of my colleagues used to drink radish juice mainly because it was good for the skin as it's known to keep dryness and pimples at bay. Plus, it improves immunity and prevents early ageing.


"Once thing goes wrong, then the whole house of cards collapses. And there's no way you can extricate yourself. Until someone comes along to drag you out."
Haruki Murakami, South of the Border, West of the Sun



A shirtless Xanthos lay on his stomach beside Cyane. His arms crossed above the pillow and his face, completely relaxed in his sleep. He was taking more than his share of space in the mattress but she did not mind it one bit.

Smiling, she turned on her sides, to have a proper look at him simply because he fascinated her. Her lips curved upwards when she noticed the dark blonde hair curling against the pillow in which he had buried his face. She had been sleeping beside him for two weeks now and never had she seen him so completely relaxed. He was a beautiful work of art.

As her gaze roved down the over his muscular shoulders, the wolf tattoo on his shoulder blades, his smooth toned back, she felt a slow, smouldering heat unfurled deep down in her belly. Beneath her cotton dress, she felt her breasts being pierced by sharp little needles that had her nipples tingle.

Xanthos was asleep and unaware. His cold blue eyes weren't fixed on her but still somehow, just by being in his sheer presence, Cyane could feel her body spring to life.

Her eyes once again darted to the tattoo on his back and she felt her fingertips stinging lightly.

Biting her lip, she slowly moved closer to him, her face mere inches from his. Slowly, she raised her hand and moved them over the tattoo on his back.

Before letting herself touch his inked skin, she hesitated. Her eyes flicked back to his face and mercifully, he was still asleep.

Her heartbeat quickened the moment her finger-pads touched his peach-toned skin. Gently running her fingers over the wolf tattoo on his back, she raised her head to get a better look at the artwork.

The wolf in his tattoo was climbing up on his back. The ink was black and the eyes of the wolf, darker still. The claws and fangs were prominent and the tail, curled and beautiful.

Knowing Xanthos, Cyane assumed the inkwork had a hidden meaning and she was curious to know more because the wolf there was fierce just like him. The ears stood tall and glaring as it opened its jaw and bared its fangs, alert and ready to attack.

The HeirsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz