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Chapter 11 is here and it is dedicated to @cutejaya1 :D



This spice is used in almost every Indian Cusine and has been so for thousands of years. Besides being used as a spice, it's also known for its medicinal properties. The curcumin in turmeric has strong anti-inflammatory properties that help the body fight foreign invaders. The very same properties also make it effective in treating arthritis and diabetes. Though not proven, studies have indicated that curcumin can reduce the growth of cancerous cells in the body.

I'm not going to talk about why young girls in India are asked to apply turmeric on their face; Instead, let's talk about its actual benefits for skin... Turmeric is also known to heal wounds by speeding up the skin's ability to form new healthy tissues. It is a natural medicine for the skin as it is known to reduce acne scars, and treat severe skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema.

Turmeric should be consumed in small quantities because high doses might cause stomach upset.


"In some ways, we will always be different. In other ways, we will always be the same. There is always room to disagree and blame, just as there is always room to take a new perspective and empathize. Understanding is a choice."
Vironika Tugaleva



Cyane hoped with everything in her that Xanthos didn't notice that error. However, that slight twitch of his mouth told her otherwise.

Theé mou! How could she be so stupid? She had to do something, anything!

She gulped and looked around the room, towards the kitchen. She then signalled for food with her hand. He typed something on his phone and passed it to her.

Cyane stiffened when she saw the message. He was asking her if she was a vegetarian or not. It might have been a simple yes or no answers for others, but for her, it was not.

Sylvan fairies were vegetarians but werewolves weren't. As a kid, she had eaten eggs and chicken whenever her father had taken her out. But at home, only vegetarian food was prepared since her mother was one.

After moving to Sylvan Castle, she was told to become strictly vegetarian; however, her grandpa had always encouraged her to cheat on that rule and when she would go to his home, she would often have scrambled eggs for breakfast. The minute she would return to the palace, she would often feel guilty for eating and liking the non-vegetarian food.

When Yolanda had asked her the same question, Cyane had told her she was a vegetarian and so, she gave the same answer to Xanthos.

He paced the room, scrolling through his phone and Cyane craned her neck, curious to see what he was looking at. When he kept the phone on the table, she leaned back in her seat and scratched the back of her neck.

"Ten minutes" he signalled with his hand and walked into the bedroom.

Cyane heaved a sigh when he was out of the room and picked up his mobile phone. She opened the screen before it could lock itself and dialled Gian's number again to ask if he had informed Yolanda.

His reply came almost immediately.

Gian: I did and she seemed very doubtful. I don't think she will be convinced until she hears it from you.

Cyane groaned. That was the one thing she couldn't do when she was trapped here.

Gian: Are you safe?

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