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Yes! I decided to name the chapters from now on.

Stay home! Stay Safe!



This should have been first. Water is as essential to us as oxygen. It boosts skin health and it helps in maintaining the blood pressure and body temperature. It prevents kidney damage and constipation.

I am sure everyone, everywhere tells you to drink water. Listen to them!

I did not. Not when I was a child. I started seriously drinking water only when I was in college. But by then I had started getting skin related problems.

It's recommended to drink seven litres of water a day, but to this day I cannot do it. I can manage around 4-5 litres. I drink hot water only because I get sick if I continuously drink cold water.

So yeah... Keep a water bottle with you always and it goes, wherever you go!


"Attraction is not an option. "
Neil Strauss



The next two days Cyane realized how stupid she had been in escaping from Bardo or the hospital because right now, she was in the real world and to live in the real world, one needed money and Cyane didn't have any of it!

After leaving the hospital— without paying the bills— Cyane had gone to a hotel and eaten some French fries but when the hotel staff had come to know she had no money, she had to give them her engagement ring.

The price of the real gemstone in that ring was way more than a plate of fries but she had no other option. It was the only piece of jewellery she had other than her earrings and she refused to sell her earrings. Her conscience also refused to toy with the idea of using the princess card or steal from others.

She would cope! She swore to herself. She would find a way to live by herself because she didn't want to go back to either of her grandparents. She still hadn't forgiven them and she won't... not until she finds out the complete truth as to who killed her parents and why!

Her stomach grumbled again and she kicked away the dried leaves near her feet, as she sat under an age-old banyan tree. The first day, she had been roaming around the city until she had caught sight of a couple of wolves. Knowing how easy it could be for Bardo's men to come after her, she had escaped and had been hiding in the woods since then.

Cyane didn't know where exactly she was. Scevola or Aelius? What she did know was that she preferred this than going back to the castle!

A smile curved on her lips when she taught how her grandmamma would react if she saw her like this.

Yolanda had provided Cyane with fresh clothes and now, she was wearing a legging and an over-sized t-shirt. One of the nurses had taken pity on her when she didn't have any shoes and then passed on a pair of flip-flops.

Cyane knew she didn't have to do all this because she was only hurting herself but right now, she didn't need anyone. All she wanted was to stew in silence! And maybe have some food...

"Ow!" Cyane winced when something hit her head and she looked up to see a golden-eyed gorilla on top of a branch.

She smiled when she noticed he had a handful of fruits. She picked up the fig he had thrown on her head and ate it not bothering about hygiene. Twirling around an aerial root, the gorilla dropped down beside her and dumped the fruits on her lap.

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