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It's MY MOM'S BIRTHDAY today and so, as promised Chapter 7 is here and it is dedicated to @Evelyn731 :D

Hope you like it!



Where I come from, coconut tree is called as Kalpavriksha because every single part of the tree is useful in some or the other way. I love coconut. My mom never lets me scrape or grate coconuts because she knows half of it goes inside my tummy.

Last week, as I withering on the floor and doing the naagin dance during period pain, the first thing my mom asked my dad to do is get tender coconut. Coconut water is calcium and potassium rich which helps in relieving spasms, cramps and also stomach disorders that causes diarrhea and vomiting. Usually you should start drinking coconut water some 3 or 4 days before the period date to cool down your body. But drinking coconut water during the menstruation also eases body pain and to someone like me, who absolutely refuse to take pain killers, it's the best alternative.

Besides this, it also helps to rehydrate after dehydration caused by exercise.


"Some people were matches, a bit of light and no heat. And some were furnaces, all heat but little light. And then, once in a blue moon, there was a bonfire, something so hot and bright you couldn't stand too near without burning."
V.E. Schwab,



The sleek black Pagani turned towards the parking area of the sprawling, picturesque mansion. Getting out of the car, in a fluid and controlled manner, Lachlan Knox straightened to his full height of six feet and four inches. Tall and broad, with hair as black as coal, eyes a stormy grey and mouth that rarely curved to form a smile, Lachlan's ruthless nature evoked fear from the best fighters of the kingdom.

The owner of Knox Security firm, Lachlan was an ultra-rich millionaire who had some highly influential clients who often needed his aid in protection. He had a reputation of being the best and he intended to protect it, intended to see a job through to completion. Every job, every client was important to him and his honour meant he kept his word and protected them. Which is why he was here, in this particular client's island. This particular client, who had absolutely no need for Lachlan's protection, had an agenda of his own, which perfectly matched Lachlan's agenda.

The night air was cold and crisp as Lachlan, casually clad in dark jeans, white shirt and a grey overshirt, calmly walked through the grounds towards the west wing of the mansion. The thud of paws made him stop in his tracks and he watched as the three dogs that guarded the mansion like hell hounds, rushed towards him.

It had been a month since he had last seen them and now the animals were wildly excited to see him. "I missed you all too," he said ruffling their furs, while they barked like mad and jumped at him.

Savage, a Rottweiler, sniffed Lachlan repeatedly, before jumping down and circling him; while Villain, a white and grey Siberian Husky and Rowdy, a brown coloured Doberman, refused to let go.

"Okay! Yes! I have brought treats" Lachlan surrendered and the dogs immediately let him go.

Pressing a button, he opened the car trunk and watched as the dogs rushed and pulled the boxes out with their jaws. There was one box for each and they were an expert at ripping open the cardboard boxes. The beasts were very well trained and like him, they too were an expert at protecting what was theirs.

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