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Finally managed to post Chapter 21 and it is dedicated to @crazysky :D



I love munching on them. To me, they are like fried bread crumbs! Soybeans are high in fibre, protein and low in saturated fat. The protein content in them stimulates metabolism thus enhancing overall well-being.

They increase the insulin receptors in the body effectively preventing or managing diabetes. Soybeans are essential for healthy bones, healthy heart and also helps in relieving sleep disorders.

Soybeans are rich in isoflavones that is vital in maintaining the health of the female reproductive system. It's good for pregnant women and for women dealing with post-menopausal symptoms.


"A good friend will always stab you in the front."
Oscar Wilde



That Sunday, Cyane woke up even before the sun was up and went for a quick shower. Xan and Grayson had already told her to be up and ready soon because the Sunday morning ritual of the friends included hunting.

Cyane had then realized that they had been hunting that day in the woods when she had first seen them.

Around six-thirty in the morning, she climbed into the front passenger seat of a red and black coloured open willy's jeep of Xan. It had no windows, no doors and no bonnets or trunks. It was an old classic vehicle and she had only ever seen such heavy vehicles in the movies. So, she was very excited about the upcoming ride as she sat on the front seat, beside Xan.

"Where's your SUV?" Jayson asked as he got into the side-facing backseat with his brother.

"Gave it to Sire" Xan muttered before turning on the engine.

"Why?" Grayson questioned.

"He said he wanted it." That was all Xan said and Cyane frowned.

"If the king asks for anything you give it to him?" she asked seriously and he nodded. She wanted to ask him if he would give her to the king too but refrained because not only did they have an audience but also because two days ago, Xan had told her that he had lied to the king because of her.

He had been avoiding her ever since by being out for long hours. She had been bothered at first, but then had decided to focus on her mission, which is why she had begun drawing a map of Aelius territory and especially the Iron Fort.

Every evening she tried to extract information from Grayson and so far, she had found out that Boon was given raw meat of animals like zebra, lion or bison. They fed Boon twice a day and the previous guards had told him that if they did not feed Boon, then the creature would begin to scream in hunger and even rattle the cages.

Boon couldn't come out; Grayson had been assured but that did not mean Boon couldn't create havoc outside. The creature was powerful and every day, Grayson began doubting his choice of working there.

They picked up Brody and Miki, two blocks away from the apartment building and Miki frowned when he saw her in the front seat. He immediately demanded where Xan's SUV was and when Xan explained, Miki had been furious.

"Why did he have to ask your new car? Why not Ajax's?" Miki was still seething in the backseat as they drove to a road that would lead to the woods. "He knew it is a new car... then why the fuck did he have to ask for that? He could have asked for this jeep."

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