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Today is my parents WEDDING ANNIVERSARY!

I knew I had to post the chapter today and it is dedicated @VonnyRos :D



We had nutty almonds cake today and that kind of reminded me of almonds. Since we were little, we have developed a habit of soaking almonds overnight and eating it early the next morning. I honestly don't know what's the benefit of soaking it but soaked or not doesn't matter. All I see is a snack!

One benefit of almonds that I know very well is that it is a brain food. I mean, my dad literally tells me to eat Badam (Almond) if I forget something. Besides this, it also reduces hunger. I have had my sister, cousins and several of my colleagues suggest me to keep a packet in bag to eat as a snack during office intervals. It's suggested to eat 3-4 almonds a day but be warned too much is bad.

Almonds are also rich in unsaturated fat and that kind of helps in lowering the overall cholesterol level. The calcium, magnesium, manganese, vitamins and proteins in almond also boosts bone health.


"It's not about making the right choice.
It's about making a choice and making it right."
J.R. Rim, Better to be able to love than to be loveable. 



The chair toppled over as Acheron rose upright and clenched his fists, frowning at the screen.

"Who. Attacked. Her?" he demanded. His benefactor wanted Cyane unharmed and she has already been attacked before. Who dared to do that?

Instead of replying, Gideon frowned at the camera.

"WHO?" Ash thundered in rage as his wolf clawed, fighting to get out.

"What do you mean who? What kind of sick game are you playing?" Gideon spat with a growl of his own. "You killed innocent people and now, you are—"

"I did not attack Cyane" Ash snapped in rage. Yes, he was a killer who killed mercilessly but more often he was blamed for crimes he had not committed. People took his name and killed innocents and the fact that someone took his name and attacked Cyane made him livid.

"I do not attack her or her friend's family" he added with a growl that came out harsher through the speaker because of the voice changing app.

"You expect me to believe that? I have seen the photos of what you left behind that day. It was heinous. They were innocent humans."

"I am in no habit of justifying or repeating myself" Ash broke in harshly. "I have made clear what my thoughts are. You'll find yourself in a beneficial position if you shut the fuck up" Ash added curtly. "You are already aware that I do not leave any survivors or bodies behind."

Gideon paled as the realisation sank in and Ash went to sit back in his seat. He had never left any survivors and today, he did just because he didn't want Saint to be known as a survivor.

"Where and when did it take place?" he asked and Gideon told him. He hesitantly shared some of the information he had because Ash was right about one thing, he never left any survivors.

"This is not the first time someone has taken my name to hurt an innocent" Ash said harshly.

"No" Gideon agreed, lowering his head, lost in thoughts.

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