43. My brother received THE creepiest phone call

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I was working at a hotel in Albuquerque, the graveyard shift. I had been talking to the security guard and he asked if he could get a ride home, so instead of waiting for 30 minutes for my shift to end I just left and left a note for my boss that said I left early because my brother was stranded outside of town and needed me to get him. (Total lie on my part but I needed a good excuse to leave early.)

I drop off the security guard at his place then go home and go to sleep. A couple of hours of sleep and I wake up to my phone ringing. It was my brother. he tells me he is stranded outside of town and he needs me to go get him.

I tell my brother the lie I told my boss and how much of a coincidence his calling me is. He says that's not weird he will show me what's weird when I get there.

I get there and ask him what is weird. He puts his phone up to my ear and plays a message that he got when he woke up that morning. It's a voice that kinda sounded computerized but mostly just creepy sounding.

It says: YOU'RE STUCK Freaked us both out. Never figured out where the call came from. Strangest creepiest thing that's ever happened to me in my life.

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