55. Real Story 5

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My house is not very old, in fact, my parents bought the land and had it built in this nice little neighborhood. Now whether or not previous settlements (Native American or not) had existed there I don’t know. What I do know is that weird things have happened in the past few years, they could’ve started after it was first built and I just never noticed. So I’m going to start with what I remember and work my way forward.

The first incident I remember is a piece of silver (you know the nice dishware that a lot of grandmas have) being moved. The setup is like this, you have a love seat couch with a tall, skinny, long wooden table running along its back. Then you have a walking space in front of that and then a fireplace. In front of the fireplace are two leather chairs. Now the silver that was moved was just the lid on one of the dishes. Imagine a bowl in a stand with a lid that sits inside of it rather than just over it and the handle on the lid is kinda loop shaped. Now the lid was just how it would be in the bowl but it was on the ground about three or four feet away in front of the chair. My dad tried to play it off as “oh the dog must’ve jumped off of the couch over it and caught it with his foot” …… Our dogs, though small, never jumped off the couch like that, it’s too high. And even if they did the lid sits in the bowl therefore it would have pulled the whole thing with it and probably wouldn’t have landed the way it did.

Then there’s my room. I’m in the only room that faces the front yard and the house is on a hill away from the road. Now I used to lay on the floor near the window on the opposite side of the room from my door which I kept closed just browsing on my laptop and I would feel someone standing in front of the door watching me. This happened almost every time I laid there. There would also be times where I’d hear walking upstairs (no one lived/lives up there) and one time I heard tapping on the brick on the outside of my wall (which faces the porch and sidewalk that goes to the driveway).

Now as I’ve gotten older it has kind of subsided but every now and then stuff still happens. Like I had more door open laying on my bed and from the corner of my eye I saw someone enter the hall and head towards my sisters room and the guest bedroom (which used to be my grandmothers, I’ll discuss why that’s important later) when I asked my sister if it was her she said no that she had been laying in her bed that whole time.

And lastly, another living room event. I don’t remember who all was there but I know my parent and my sister were there. I happened to look at the fireplace (the chairs are no longer there and other furniture has been rearranged) and noticed that the silver key that can turn on the gas was in its hole. Now we have NEVER used this key, we’ve never had a reason so we keep it on top of the mantle. So I asked my mom if she had put it there, she said no. Asked my dad, again no. And same for my sister, no one put it there and no one knows how it got there.

The only explanations I have for this is:
A) previous housing on the land with death attached to it
B) my mom’s parents lived with us for a few years before my grandfather passed in 2009 and my grandma in 2011. I can put really remember if the events started after my grandfather passed or my grandmother but sometimes I do believe it could be them, especially the hallway incident maybe grandma was going to her room. My mom doesn’t like the idea of that, neither does my dad since they’re firm Christian believers. They don’t believe in spirits being stuck here but I don’t know how else to explain it.

I’m moved out now since I started college this semester and whenever I go home for weekends I never experience anything but I have a month long winter break starting next weekend so maybe something will happen?

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