9. The Arrangements...

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"I agree." Befor she realised the words were already out of her mouth.

"So you agree to marry me?"


He relaxed in his seat again as a victorious smile touched his lips.
"Good. Then I will start with the arrangements."

"But how will this work? I mean you must have decided on a girl as your marriage partner."

"I am a man of my own will so I can choose whoever I want and at the moment we need to think about Sam. He is our priority." He said looking at the toddler who was busy talking to his new toy.
"Don't worry, I will not snatch away your rights or your freedom. You don't have to worry about the finances I will take care of it. If you still want to work it's your wish I won't stop you as long as Sam is cared for. You don't have to worry about his expenses either. He will get the best of everything in this world and I will pay the price."

She nodded her head as he continued, "I am a businessman so I need to keep up with the social appearances. You will have to accompany me if there is a business dinner. We will need to attend a few if not many and we will need to play the role of a loving couple or else it won't take Elsie long to find out about this contractual marriage."

''I understand."

"We will be staying in one house but don't worry your privacy will not be invaded. You will get your own room and I will have mine. My house is quite big so I don't think we will see much of each other."

"What if there came a time when you fell for someone? Would I still get the custody of Sam?" Lilly interrupted.

'' I have said it already and I am repeating it again I have never been in love and will never be. So you don't need to worry about that."

"Even so I need to know if I will get the custody - "

"Ok fine. If it have ever happens Sam will always belong to you." His words assured her a little.
"If you want to date someone in future or anything like that I will not stop you. Of course, it's your life but I would suggest you to refrain from all this for a few months or at least till the time we make Elsie believe that we are indeed a couple. I hope you can do at least that much for Sam's sake."

She looked at him with anger that was about to burst like a volcano but she was tried her best to hold back and said, "Of course, I can and I hope I can expect the same from you."

He raised a brow as he looked at her before finally speaking, "Yes, of course. Now that we have discussed all important things we can proceed to the next step. We will be leaving for New York tomorrow. Only pack the essentials the rest I will provide you there." He said standing up.

"Wait! What?" she looked at him completely baffled.

"We will be getting married two days later in New York. I will ask my lawyer to prepare the contract and -''

"You never told me that I and Sam would need to shift to New York!"

He walked to her side of the table as she still sat in her chair.
"My soon- to-be Mrs king," he said as he pinched her chin lightly between his finger and thumb. "Do you not know husband and wife live in the same house under the same roof? Who will believe in a couple who live in two different continents? Hmm?"

'Well, he's right.' she grudgingly acknowledged.

"As for this house you can either sell it or put it on rent, it's your decision and just  tell my manager he will take care of it for you." He straightened and pushing his hands in the pockets of his trousers he said, "I will be here tomorrow. Bye, Sam." he kissed Sam's head and the toddler touched his beard with both his hands and replied in his incomprehensible language.

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