38. What he never says...

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"Lilly, open the door," he called again but no answer came from the other side of the door and now the relief from seconds ago started to evaporate again.
'What if she did something wrong to herself?' he worried.
"Lilly, open this door." he banged at the door as he warned, "If you didn't open the door then I'll just break it." he almost shouted with anger and agony.

"Leave me alone!" from in came her voice.

She is alright. Thank god, she is fine, he leaned against a wall opposite to the door as his legs felt too week from all the chaos.

"Lilly, give me a chance to explain," he said softly.

"You had one whole week, Ashton but you never returned after that night. Where were you? With that woman or a different one?"

"Lilly, I am not-''

"She is your ex...No, she is your present. Right?"

"Who the hell told you about her?"

"It doesn't matter who told me about her. What matters is that you lied."

"Lilly, it isn't like how you are thinking." he tried to explain.
"I met her once but it was just once and that too about 2 to 3 months ago. I don't know why she came to my office but I swear I hadn't called her."

"Oh really?" Lilly questioned from the other side of the door.
"Then what was she doing hovering over you and touching you like that? You don't like it when people invade your personal space but you certainly like her and that's why you let her come so close to you."

"Lilly." He groaned in frustration. "She caught me by surprise. She just cooked up a story to the receptionist and when she entered my office she walked to my side of the table pretending to discuss a file then her ankle twisted and she landed on me. Before I could push her away you were already there and misinterpreted everything."

"If I hadn't interrupted unknowingly then would you guys have gone further than that? Right?" Lilly taunted not ready to listen and believe his words. She didn't want to be fooled again.

"Enough!" he hit his fist on the door angrily. He was now losing his calm. "You are getting it all wrong. Who the hell told you she was my ex or that I even dated her?"


"I never dated a girl before you. You were the first one I went out on a date with. I never pursued a woman before or tried to make anyone happy. You were the first. No woman matters to me as much as you do. Please, Lilly, trust me."

"Trust?" she laughed sarcastically as she sat on the other side of the door. "Do you trust me, Ashton?"

He knew this wasn't going to be easy as he sat on the other side of the door and said, " I trust you, Lilly. I will do whatever it takes for you to trust me. So please give me a chance and open the door."

" I don't want to." she protested.

He sighed at her stubbornness. "Alright. Ask me a question, Lilly," he said. "Do you remember I had once promised that I  will answer every question of yours truthfully? So ask me a question and then you'll open the door."

She knew the words that were going to leave her mouth will only give him pain but at that moment nothing and no one mattered to her. The only thing that mattered was her broken heart, unrequited feelings and her crushed trust.

The pain she was experiencing at the moment was unbearable. She wanted him to feel them and experience the same she was going through. She knew it was wrong to feel like that but at that moment she had just wanted to be a little bit selfish and think for her self and not for him. She had wanted to cause him the same pain she was suffering from for a week. So she asked, ''Tell me a secret. Something you have hidden from the entire world."

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