1. Life & Death...

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"You should be alright.  You can't let anything happen to yourself. Please, God! Don't let anything happen to her." said Lilly to herself or to whoever was high there in the heavens.

She was pacing to and fro in front of the operation room where her sister had been taken for the surgery.

She remembered the conversation she had with her sister the previous night.

"Lilly, you have to promise me if anything happened to me, you will -''

"Nothing will happen to you, sis." Lilly interrupted scared of what words might come next from her sister's lips. Scared that her sister will once again start talking about her death.

"Listen to me," Sarah tried to calm her anxious little sister so that she could say her one last wish to her.
"You will take care of him. This child," she said placing her hand gently on the large baby bump as a tear rolled down from her eye. "You will raise him as your own. Never let him feel lonely. Promise me that if I didn't survive this surgery then you will take care of this child and will give him the love of both mom and dad and don't let anyone from that king's family come anywhere near him. You have to protect this child. Please, promise me, Lilly." Sarah pleaded, her eyes filled with tears and voice hoarse.

Lilly clasped Sarah's hands in her own as she crouched in front of her elder sister. "Shh... it's ok. I promise I'll look after him so please stop crying. And the doctor said nothing will happen to you. We have hope so please stop talking about death." Lilly said as she hugged her sister tightly, afraid that if she loosened her grip even a little then her sister might disappear in thin air.

She stopped pacing and looked at the operating theatre. It was still closed and Lilly could feel her heart beating erratically, her legs were becoming weak making hard for her to stand any longer. She took the chair in front of her. Placing her elbows on her knees she rested her head in her hands.


"Mom...Dad, do you really have to go?"  asked 16-year-old Sarah as she watched her mom helping dad with his necktie.

"Sweetie, if it wasn't that important then I would have stayed back with you and Lilly. But this party is to celebrate your dad's accomplishments and his office had already planned it all for him. So I have to accompany him. Right?" Eleni smiled at her daughter.

Picking up his suit jacket Allen Jones kissed his daughter's forehead and said, " I promise to take you and Lilly for McDonald's tomorrow. Ok?"

"If you promise me a chocolate ice cream then maybe..." Sarah grinned.

"Okay," said Alan as he gently patted her head. "Remember to lock all the doors and windows. Lilly had a fever yesterday even though it has subsided but still if anything happens just call us and we'll be back really quick."


"You are the best daughter in this world." Alan smiled.

"Repeat those words tomorrow morning in front of Lilly and then I'll believe you," Sarah commented and they all laughed.

Three hours later both the girls found themselves sitting in front of the operation theatre in a hospital. They had gotten a call that the couple had gotten into an accident and were severely injured. Both the girls reached the hospital with the neighbour's help. Every minute felt like an eternity and the weight of the moment like a mountain on their tender shoulders.

During the ride to the hospital, Lilly held onto her sister's hand as if trying to draw some strength from her elder sister who always looked so strong and confident.  Even at the moment when Lilly was shivering due to the fear of unknown Sarah was trying her best to maintain her composure and calm her little sister.  She kept repeating the words, "They will be alright, Lilly. Stop worrying. They are going to be ok."

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