35. After the storm...

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It was during the early hours of dawn that the storm had quietened. Lilly was lying unconsciously on the bed. Too tired to move a limb.

Ashton was leaning against the window as he stared at the still dark sky  penetrated by soft rays of sun. He turned around and looked at the bed and there was lying his tormentor, his wife.

What had he done. How come he lost his control and why the hell had he allowed the monster he had sealed in the depths of darkness come to surface. Why this woman had so much effect on him. Why did she had to ruin everything like this. Why did she had to say those three words that were the biggest lie in this world. The words that hurt more than any weapon could. The words that could kill faster than any poison. Why did she hurt him like that. All sort of questions were going on in his head and he had no answers. No one he could ask to.

He touched her soft and still flushed cheek with gentle fingers and something tugged at his chest.
He had hurt her. He had forgotten all the boundaries and had crossed every damned  line the last night. He went to the bathroom and came back with a bowl of water and a towel in hands. Then he sat beside her sleeping figure and gently cleaned her body while she still lied limb in his arms. Dressing her in  a light sundress he drove her back to the villa.

A week later...

A week had passed since she had last seen of Aston. Since she had last touched him. She missed him. A lot. When she woke up that morning she found herself back in the master room at villa.

Her aching body was the only proof of the fiery night they had spent at the cottage. She looked for Ashton everywhere but he was nowhere to be found. Even Grace had no idea when exactly had Ashton dropped her in the room and left.

Lilly waited till evening. She waited till midnight and even the hours after that but he never came home. She waited for him the next day but he neither called nor came back. She called in his office and his secretary informed that Ashton was busy with a new project. Later she had tried calling Ashton hoping to atleast hear his voice but he never picked up her calls. So she waited and waited and like that a week had passed and he still had not come back.

He was still mad at her, she sighed. She cried in the nights wondering if he would even come. There were times when images of him lying on a bed with another woman had crossed her mind in the most desperate hours of night and every time she had told herself that he wouldn't cheat on her. That he had given her his words, her heart tried to assure while her brain said otherwise.

The only thing that had kept her going during this period of doubt and stress was Sam and her commitment towards her work. The work and Sam proved to be a good distraction during the day but at nights she would be alone again. Lonely without him.

Lying quietly on her side of the bed as her eyes would rest on Ashton's side waiting for him. Expecting his return. Every morning she would open her eyes hoping that she would see those mysterious grey ones but the bed on his side would still be empty and cold.

She was feeling tired now. Completely exhausted both mentally and physically. Standing near the window she was staring out into a blank space when she heard a knock at the door and turned around to find Grace.

"Eat something, Lilly." Grace said while entering the room.

"Did Sam eat?" Lilly asked.

"Yes. I fed him some pancakes and milk. Now he is playing in the living room."

"Hmm.." Lilly acknowledge quietly. She had lost her words and the will speak.

"Aren't you going to eat anything?" Grace asked again.

"I am not hungry. I will eat later." Lilly tried to smile to ensure the old lady while completely failing in her attempts.

Sighing, Grace came forward and putting a hand on Lilly's shoulder she said, "I don't know what happened between you and Ashton but if there is some misunderstanding then why don't you both talk it out and solve it?"

"There is no misunderstanding, Grace." Lilly answered still staring into the oblivion. And it was the truth. She had confessed her love to him and he hated the very idea of the word.
And now she was so lost that she had no idea what to do next.

Grace held release Lilly's hand in hers and said, "Look Lilly, the chase never ends between two lovers. This chase continues throughout life even after the two lovers get married and you know, chase is what keeps the relationships fresh and alive. So it should never end. If you ever feel that your love is going far from you then go and chase him. If he chased you earlier then it's your turn now. So chase him because you should chase your happiness. Don't let your happiness slip through your fingers, child. Don't lose this battle so easily without even a fight. You deserve all the happiness, Lilly. You deserve all the love and affection. So go for it. Chase your happiness." Grace smiled at Lilly and left the room.

"Chase the happiness." Lilly repeated Grace's words and now she wasn't lost anymore. She knew now what she needed to do next.

Quickly, she took a nice shower and changed into a dress she knew was one of Ashton's favourite and putting on some light makeup to hide those dark circles and tired eyes that had been accompanying her during all this week she left her room with a new hope. Planting a kiss on Sam's forehead and telling Grace to look after him she walked out of the villa.

"Are you going somewhere, Mrs King?"  a servant came running to her when he saw her leaving the house.

"Yes. To Ashton's office."

"Alright. Please wait here and I'll bring the car." saying he left and came back with the car the next minute.

As the driver pulled the car through morning streets of Boston Lilly sat at the back all smiley and excited. Finally after so many days she was going to see him, hear him. She smiled but just then she realised one thing...

I need to recharge my WiFi so this is all I could manage with a borrowed hotspot. Hope you enjoyed 🙃

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