39. What he wants...

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On the other side of the door, Lilly sat quietly as her tears flowed down her pink cheeks. She understood now why those three words were a nightmare to him. She understood now why he acted like that the past week.

Then she looked at the photos he had slipped earlier from under the door. It was at the entrance of Ashton's office building. The timestamp on which showed Mila entering the lobby just 5 minutes earlier than her. He had said that this was the proof of his innocence and if she needed more proofs then he would do whatever she would say to prove his innocence.

Earlier she had closed the door because she did not want to see his face but now she was not sure what she would do on opening the door. How would she face him after pushing him to his limits so mercilessly? She rested her head against the door as tears continued to flow down her cheeks.

They both sat there on opposite sides of the door for how long neither of them had any idea nor they were sure of what to say next.


"Ashton... Ashton." he heard someone calling his name. Turning around he found his mother standing there.

"Hey, my boy." she smiled looking at him.

"Mom?" Ashton looked at her in disbelief. She was there in front of his eyes but before he could go to her a small child outran him.

She hugged him and picked him up in her arms. The child looked to him like the smaller version of himself. His mom kissed on his chubby cheeks lovingly as she smiled at him, "I love you, my baby."

" I love you too, mommy." The boy beamed at her.

The next moment he saw the same woman lying in a coffin.

He saw the little child screaming and crying while a maid dragged him away.
"I want to go to my mommy."

"You scoundrel!" Ashton felt someone pulling him by his collar. It was his dad, Arthur.

"You killed her, you bastard!"

"No..." Ashton could feel the sweat beads covering his forehead.

"You killed your mother."

"No... I didn't." Ashton repeated, "No..."

"We need to keep Sebastian away from him. He is dangerous." Elsie interrupted. "He kills everyone who goes near him. You are nothing but a curse for the people around you, Ashton."

"You killed me, Ashton." He heard his mother's voice from behind him. Turning around he found her looking at him. She looked pale, weak and sad.


"You killed me, Ashton." His mother said with tears in her eyes.

"No... no..." he shook his head repeatedly. He felt like he would choke on air. He couldn't breathe. It felt as if he was drowning in the deep sea with his feet tied to a rock with no way to escape.
"No...no!!" screaming he opened his eyes and realised he was still sitting in front of the guest room.

His whole body was drenched in sweat and his heart was beating crazily. He noticed the door was open now. He got up on his unsteady feet and walked into the room only to find it empty.

"She left... she left me," he repeated the words in shock and disbelief. He picked up a vase that came in his hand and threw it with full force on the wall, breaking it into thousands of tiny pieces just like the way she had broken his heart.

"She left me too." angrily he hit his fist on the mirror not caring about the glass that pierced his skin. She too had said those three words and then left him alone. She too lied like his mother.

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