30. A Nightmare...

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"I killed her." the words came out of his mouth and Lilly sat on her knees as she looked at him. His hands were trembling, his eyes looked in fear as if he was seeing all that again. His heart was beating erratically while his breaths came short.

'Is this a panic attack?' she frowned looking at his condition. 'Maybe the stress and the bad memories triggered it. But what do I do now?' Lilly worried as she remembered translating a medical document in which panic attacks were mentioned.

"Ashton?" She called softly. "Hey, are you listening?" she called again not sure if she should touch him or not. Not sure if her touch would be appreciated at the moment.

" Ashton?" she called again and his eyes moved slightly towards her. ''Can I hold your hand?"  It was more of a statement than a question. She just wanted to let him know of her next movement so he wouldn't be surprised.
" I am here with you, Ok?" she said in a soft voice as she held his hand in hers.
"Breathe. Take long breaths, please." she placed a kiss on his hand as he she repeated, "I am with you no matter what. I am here for you." She assured him again and again. Cooed to him just like she cooed to Sam every time he was in distress.

When he had calmed a little she helped him to sit.
"You want some water?" Lilly asked but he didn't reply. He still looked lost and it ached Lilly's heart to look at him like that.

Taking in a deep breath she cupped his face as she made him look at her.
"Now listen to me very clearly, Ashton. If you had known that those pills could kill her then would you still have given it to her?"

He shook his head in a no and Lilly smiled. "So how come you are responsible for all this? You did not do anything wrong. You were just obeying her orders." Lilly tried to assure him.

"But I gave her those drugs with my own hands -"

"She asked for it." Lilly interrupted. "You were unaware of what was going in her life. So this isn't your fault."

"But still, Lilly it was I -"

"Ashton." Lilly interrupted once again. She was determined not to let him doubt himself. "Have I ever lied to you?"

He looked at her for a moment and then shook his head in a no.

"So just trust me. Ok?"

He looked at her for a moment. Confused as to from where this topic came.

"Do you remember the first time you came to my house?" she asked trying to catch his attention.
"You were wearing a black suit. It was dark outside and a 6 feet something handsome hunk stood at my door." she smiled at him mischievously as she continued, "You know, if you had fangs then I would have been convinced that you are a vampire who jumped straight out of a fantasy novel that I had been translating."

"You translate weird stuff," said Ashton pulling her towards him as he made her sit on his legs.

"No. I am serious but after listening to your 'I dance naked on full moon Nights' comment I was convinced that you were a werewolf. You know, the creatures who are wolf but can transform into humans." she added a bit more information just in case he didn't know.

Ashton gave a small smile and then asked. "Disappointed that I am neither? Eh, Mrs King?"

"No. Not at all. I am happy that you are a human or else the kids born would turn out to be hybrids and doctors would have been left in shock while the scientists would have found a new specimen for the experiment. And now when I say it this sounds scary even to my ears." She answered with a serious face which made Ashton laugh.
He was laughing. Finally. Her plan to distract him worked and now he no longer looked gloomy.

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