Chapter 23

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Adelina POV:

"A milkshake too. And nuggets, get lots of nuggets. Don't forget the barbecue sauce. Fries, get fries!" I yell, practically falling over the center console while shouting at the outdoor intercom.

The man beside me looks at me oddly with a slight smile then proceeds to recite the additions to our order to the McDonalds worker. His ring bearing fingers wrap around smooth leather as he moves to change gears and go up to the window. 

"You've got quite the munchies, don't you?" he looks to me with a smirk. I ignore him with a large smile plastered to my face and tilt my head towards the window. We sit in silence for a couple moments while he collects the food and drives off.

"Where are we going?" I giggle. He seems thrown off by the sound I don't often make but is quick to regain his composure. 

"Nowhere special'" he puts it simply as the dark eyes I've grown to find beauty in turn back to the road. He drives for not very long but it feels like an eternity with the mouthwatering aroma that is filling the car and teasing me. Every time I attempt to reach for even a fry, the boy next to me slaps away my hand.

Very rude. 

I offered to pay, I even attempted to pay with the money that one of the brothers handed me but he wouldn't allow it. I didn't like it, I would have rathered pay for myself but he wouldn't hear it.

My mind zones out for a bit and before I know it someone snaps their fingers taking me from that daze. He stares at me and is clearly puzzled but I'm not too sure what by. 

"You've been staring at the door handle for fifteen minutes," he says, to which I let out a loud laugh. My reaction leaves him even more confused. 

We've arrived at a small and deserted park that is littered with unoccupied picnic tables. Grass and trees cover most of what we could see and I sigh at the serene scenary.

He startles me by grabbing my face between the both of his hands and pulling my face towards his. His woodsy scent enveloppes me and I focus on appearing normal. My breaths start to deepen at the odd scented comfort. His eyes rummage my face as he analyses me and I shift uncomfortably under his gaze.

"You're staring, Sebastian." I breath out. A grin makes it's way across his lips at the memory of our first meeting. My fingers make ther way to my mothers bracelet that has not left my wrist and this does not escape his agile eye. 

"Can we eat now, I'm hungry-" My train of thought is cut when his face comes closer to mine by mere millimeters. His thumbs gently rub across my cheeks and my eyes flutter shut. 

"You're high as shit." he announces. My eyes snap open wide and I move my head out of his hands. 

"I-, wha-, no-."

"Holy shit," he laughs. It's a beautiful laugh, one I could hear for all hours of the day and I'm almost distracted by the melodious sound but I'm quickly brought back down when he continues. "You didn't even think to offer me any?" he looks to me with mock hurt. 

I feel my entire being relax at his words. 

"It wasn't intentional," I laugh "I got overwhelmed and it was morning and an edible..."

I go on to tell him the entire story, while excluding the names of the brothers present. Our conversation moves to a picnic table and I'm soon doubling over in laughter dropping the fries I have in my hand all over. 

It's a bright day, the sun is shining but not very harshly. I've always been partial to the rain, but this feels perfect. There's a light breeze every here and there to wash away the loud conversation. 

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