Chapter 14

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Adelina's POV:

The table falls into an uncomfortable silence. 

I've spent a lot of my time with what society deems the "wrong people". The fun people if you ask me. I know what they look like, the people you shouldn't hang out with. I understand what it feels like to be in their prescence. 

As I stare at the men infront of me, the same feeling presents itself at the back of my mind. The confident smirk never once leaves my lips as we all silently observe each other.

The bag rests at my feet, enveloped by my ankles. The illegal substances contained by it being silent as to not raise suspicion.

I run my eyes over all of them, not taking any time to notice the colour of their eyes or the state of their hair. That isn't my priority.

I turn my head to the head of the table, where Domenico is. He has a cold demeanor, very professional. I could tell easily that his walls are built up, but not nearly as high as mine. He gives off an intimidating aura. He looks clean cut, probably very oraganised.

Next to him is Raffaele. Raffaele had been silently observing my with little expression from the moment I walked in. He followed me with curious eyes but never once met my gaze. He looks very shy and reluctant, not wanting to be noticed too much. So, I let him be.

To my left but his right, there's Angelo. Similarly to Raffaele, Angelo has watched me since I stepped foot into the room. He, however, watches me with an odd kind of adoration. When I look at him, he gives the biggest smile. He has a bandage on his hand, with blood seeping through the layers. It's an odd angle and I assume a kitchen knife to be the cause.

Moving on in the same direction, I see Francesco. Normally, no one would see the subtly looks Domenico and Francesco have been exchanging. The two have been communicating through the eyes for quite some time. I could only assume what is going on in their heads, but I think I have a pretty good guess.

Francesco has been quiet. He doesn't look at me with joy or distaste, he is rather trying to dissect me. He looks straight into my piercing gaze with one of his own. I put a calm facade on for his analyitical gaze but am nervous he'll see the unusual clutch I have on my bag.

To the side, moving in the same direction, Valerio is staring at me. He has his forearms set onto the table and is leaning forward with an amused look on his face. His position is unknowingly one of intimidation, he doesn't seem to be using it purposefully. He's rather using it absent mindedly. He's probably a very alpha male individual now. 

His knuckles are wrecked and he has a split lip. They're fairly fresh, seeming to be a couple days old. I will probably have to watch him more carefully.

Lastly there's Valentino. Valentino has had a smile plastered to his face ever since I walked into the same room. He's very giddy, pure happiness shines in his eyes. He repeatedly opens and closes his mouth, probably wanting to say something that breaks the silence, but no sound comes out. 

He too has bruised knuckles but they look nothing as bad as Valerio's. He also has a light bruise on his cheek.

I take a step back from my individual evaluation and recollect my thoughts. Trying to observe the possible dangers to me, I scan them physically but can't see much since there's a table blocking my vision. 

I give up on that, knowing I'll finish my analysis of them as soon as I'm given the opportunity. 

I lean forward, positioning myself almost the same as Valerio. Willingly, I put myself in this position exuding confidence and power. 

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