Chapter 5

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Adelina's POV:

What are we doing here? What did they find out?

"Why are we at the police station, did I do something wrong?" I said, my voice cracking.

I already know the answer to my last question but felt the need to ask anyway. What do they think they know?

I look of panic covers my face as I turn towards Eloise for an explanation.

"Sweatheart, they just want to ask you some questions about last night. You haven't done anything wrong, they just need you to help them understand what happened." she said gently.

I hesitantly nodded my head. This is not normal for me. I'm usually able to mask my weakness by attitude and personality. By the smirk on my face, sarcastic remarks and cold look in my eye I'm able to mask what I'm feeling. But, after what happened yesterday night, I can't. 

I just need time to accept what happened, then I'll be able to suck it up and put my front up. Right?

We both step out of the car and walk towards to station. As soon as we stepped in the building, everything seems to blur. I remember walking up to the window-like thing and Ms.Clark speaking to an officer.

I couldn't hear much of what they were saying but 15 minutes later I'm sitting in an interrogation room by myself. The door knob turning catches my attention and I look towards the door expectingly. A man who seems to be in his late thirties steps through the door.

There's a ring on his finger, he's married. He's not exactly fit, he's got a bit of a beer belly. A dad bod if you will. On one of his finger nails there's some poorly painted on pink nail polish. He's probably a dad of a young child. If it was painted on better I'd just think he likes nail polish.

"Hi... Adelina? My name is officer Laurence. I'm sure you're a bit nervous about why you're here."

The nervous and scared look on my face must have given that away. If only he knew.

"I'm just going to ask you a few questions to help us catch who is responsible for this, is that ok?"

Despite his resolute tone, I know this case is going to be left open. Let's just say the police in my town aren't very good at their jobs. They don't know how to analyse or gather much from a crime scene. They don't bother much and most murders are deemed gang related which I'm hoping they'll do this time aswell. Especially with me telling them the story I want them to know.

"ok" I said almost in a whisper.

"Alright, what did you witness Adelina?"

It was now time to tell the story I had been fabricating since before I called the police. I can't tell them the whole truth.

"I'm not sure, it's a bit blurry,"I say taking a deep breath," We were in the living room and-"

"Who is we?"

"Michael and I," I reply.

He nods his head and motions for me to continue.

"I was telling him about school and then we heard shouting and banging on the door. I didn't understand what was happening until the door burst open. A few men with masks on came inside. Michael looked terrified. He looked like he understood what was happening but I was still confused and scared. One of them came up to me telling me not to move or something bad would happen, I listened. Some of the men started breaking things and opening drawers like they were looking for something while others surrounded Michael yelling questions at him. I had never seen him so scared. He was repeating "I don't know" or "I don't have it". The guy who seemed to be in charge was getting angrier by the minute. They were yelling, I was crying,"

I take a pause relizing how shallow my breathing has become. I feel tears prick at me eyes before I say the last sentence to my story.

He watches me with understanding and patience. He simply waits.

"They slit his throat and ran out."

"How did you get the cut on your cheek."

"They said if I get them caught they would come back for me."

He understands what I am saying without me having to spell it out for me and slowly nods his head.

 He proceeds to ask me a lot more questions. Things like what the date and time was, if I recognised the people, did I remember what everyone was saying, what I did after, do I know why this happened and more. 

Once again, I tell him what I want him to believe. My answers are vague and to the point. 

"Is there anything else you want to tell me that I haven't asked you?"

I hesitate before answering.

"He never told me this, but I always got the feeling Michael was involved with the wrong people. There's no specific reason why, just a feeling."

He writes something down and eventually lifts his head back up to look at me. 

"Thank you very much Adelina, this has been a great help. I'm sorry for your loss and everything that's happened to you. You're free to go."

I mutter a small thanks and follow him out of the room. We make our way past many doors and finally end up in the waiting room where Ms.Martin is sat. She hears us walk in and looks up with a smile.

She talks a bit with the officer and soon we're heading back out of the building to her car. Once seated she starts driving and this time I really hope it's somewhere with a bed.

"See? Now that wasn't too hard was it?"

I look down into my lap and say a small "I guess not."

"Officer Laurence said that you helped them a lot. Hopefully they'll be able to find who did this."


"Are you hungry? Want to get something to eat before heading to the Porters?"

"No that's alright, I'd rather just go straight there."

"Ok sweatheart." she said before turning back to the road.

 This is going to be a rough night.


Hi! I hope you guys enjoyed.

Thanks for giving my book a chance. I don't have an updating schedule but I will be trying to update at leaste once a week until I get my shit sorted :)

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