Chapter 27

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Adelina POV:

Wind flows through my hair as the car races down the empty highway.  I could hear Valentino's voice yelling along to the song playing. The energy of the villainous sound flows through all of us consuming our every sense. If we weren't wide awake before, there's no doubt we are now. 

While Valerio has taken to concentrating on the road, Valentino and I shout the lyrics to whatever music is playing at the moment back and forth towards each other. It doesn't take much for us to have a fit of laughs while pushing at each other, even if I am reaching over the seat to do it. 

I take in small breaths trying to regain a stable breathing pattern and fall back into my seat once the final notes play. Valerio reaches over to turn down the sound of the next one about to start and I see that we've arrived at our destination. 

Valentino smiles in excitement as he mutters a small "finally" and they both step out of the car with me right on their tails. One walks past me towards the trunk while the other ducks back into the car to retrieve something. 

We stand on a street in plain sight. Buildings and businesses line the sides of it and I look up to find a massive empty advertising sign. A spark of anticipation lights. 

"Adelina," a voice grunts. To no surprise, Valerio looks at me with annoyance. He gestures over to where Valentino has started walking into an alley. I nod to him and start walking in his direction, making sure to lightly hit his shoulder as I pass him. 

He merely rolls his eyes and continues to walk. 

I'm lead to the back of a building. 

"What am I looking at," I say once there has been a moment of silence.

"You see that billboard?" Valerio asks, to which I nod. Valentino reaches over and snatches the bag from his twin, opening it up to reveal a multitude of spray paint cans in an array of colours. 

"We're going to..." Valentino pauses "decorate it." They both look at me with curious gazes, wondering what my reaction will be.  I cock my head to the side, a smirk on my lips. 

"It is looking a bit dull." Valentino smiles and Valerio keeps his half-smile. 

The moody one hangs back while the other attempts to explain to me how to scale the wall. I observe the height of the wall, quickly taking in how much momentum I'll need to get on top of the building.

Ignoring his words I start walking backwards to give myself enough space to properly run while pulling my hair into a ponytail. My feet start to move and his words fade out as concentration kicks in. At full force, my feet move a couple steps up the wall until I could propel myself high enough to grasp the top of the wall.

My fingers meet the rough brick of the ledge I'm holding and I still to take a a breath before continuing. In one swift motion, I pull myself up. As I swing one leg over and sit, I look up at the sky where the stars glimmer and sigh, recounting the uncountable times I've done the same with friends. 

"It's been too long," I say under my breath before turning and motioning for them to join "let's go."

I didn't take the time to look at their faces, not caring much in the moment when other things were plaguing my mind. I move on the next building, and the next, and the next, until I've reached the billboard. 

I look back and see them making their way up quickly. They view is somehow new and nostalgic all at the same time. Before I know it, they've both made it up aswell. 

"Guess I didn't need to explain." Valentino laughs.

"There wasn't much to do where I used to live." it's the partial truth, but still a truth. 

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