Chapter 15

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Adelina's POV:

I had been shown my room when miss Martin was still here but I hadn't registered much. The room is much like the house, elegant, big and impersonal. It's like one of the model houses real estate agents show potential buyers. It's beautiful, with the queen sized bed, vanity mirror, walk-in closet and personal bathroom. It's nothing short from what I would have expected from them. 

Francesco stood at the doorframe, smiling warmly at me, before leaving quickly, probably sensing my hostile attitude. He told me to unpack before dinner. Oh. That's what he thinks is in the bag. What will I say if any of them ask? 

Lady products is always a good excuse. Men typically let you be after that answer.

Assuring myself the door is locked, I shut off  all the lights and shut the blinds the most I possibly can. I need the least light possible. Once done, I start searching the room. 

The most obvious cameras are those with red blinking lights, so I scower the room firstly looking for those. Once I've cleared everything, I turn the lights back on and am ready for the next step. 

Phoenix's mom was a flight attendant in her younger days. They taught her how to safety check a hotel room, so subsequently she taught us. She was such a wonderful woman. She always tried to do her best to keep us safe but we always stayed in trouble. Not even on purpose. Everything she's taught me, I've taken to heart and now I do this in every new room I stay in. 

I check basic things first, clocks, alarm clocks, picture frames and anything that looks out of place. Not finding a secret lense, I move on to other things. Coat hangers, pens, water bottles, bathroom products and more. Again, I find nothing. Finally, I check under beds, tables, basically anything raised off the floor. 

Happy with the results, I turn to the window. I open the window, sticking my head out and look for security cameras. There are two in each corner of the house facing outwards. I would guess they could see the windows of the side of the house in their peripheral vision but probably wouldn't have audio. It would also be interesting to see if they're in colour or not. 

I sigh, recognising I have to form another plan when I would want to smoke. Shouldn't be too complicated though. 

Next, I have to figure out where to put my things. I run through a couple options, deciding it's too easy to find so I sit and think for a moment. The closet, nightstand or drawers would be the first place someone would look. Maybe do the same thing as the old house, cutting a slit in the mattress, would be the best option. 

Tough, this mattress is not old and certainly not worth  tearing up.

With such a large room, you would assume there would be many places to hide something. The size leads to a more open feeling and as the room is empty, there are no places to hide. I decide, after much consideration, to stuff the bag under the sink until I could find something better. 

I let out a sigh, content with what I found. I need a few basic things from the store, I'll probably go to a drugstore nearby. My train of thought is interrupted by a loud knock and someone screaming "dinner!" and footsteps walking away from the door. 

I reluctantly get up and move towards the door, not really wanting to sit through a meal with them. I walk down the stairs abnormally slow, trying to prolong the time before the dinner. I take a breath, hitting the last step and realise I don't know how to get there. Or what room I'm supposed to be going to.

I think for a moment and weigh my options before just walking around and hoping I end up where I'm supposed to be. 

Fortunately, I do, and soon come to the dinning room we sat in when I first arrived a couple hours ago. Everyone seemed to already be present and waiting on me before eating.

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