Chapter 22

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Adelina POV:

I know for a fact that in about 45 minutes I will start feeling the effects. I also know for a fact that in about 45 minutes I will be surrounded by all of my brothers. Well, except the two oldests. They're going to be at work.

It's been about three hours since I was woken up, it's almost 11:30. I'm expected to be in the living room in half an hour. I tried many things to get out of it, but Valentino was very insistent. 

Ridiculous if you ask me. 

I will be meeting  my cousins two weeks from now. That was his reasoning. They wanted to get to know me better before introducing me to new people. However, I have no desire for them to get to know me better. 

Yet, here I am, walking extremely slowly towards the stairs. The little edible I had consumed not long ago is starting to take it's effects. The feeling of being on edge is starting to soothe and calm is replacing it. 

I make it to the bottom of the stairs and catch Valerio walking in through the front door. He's shoving a pack of cigarettes back into his pocket. He blows a final puff of smoke though his lips while his head turns toward me.

We make eye contact for a split second before he makes his way towards the movie room.


I didn't realize he smoked. I wonder if the others know. 

By the time I arrive to the room everyone else is already there. Snacks litter the table and the tv is already open while one of them scrolls on Netflix.

There are open seats everywhere, the boys are loosly sprawled out on the big leather couches in the room.  I survey my surroundings before choosing one with Valerio on my left and Angelo on my right.

Two hours later, the credits of a movie Valentino had chosen start rolling. I hadn't made a move throughout the film, but a smile has been glued to my lips for the longest time in forever.

My limbs feel as though they weigh thousands of pounds but there's no denying I'm completely content in this feeling of euphoria. I have no desire to move, calm and ease taking over every fiber in my body. 

And I'm happy. Terribly, wrongfully happy. I shouldn't be, I'm surrounded by them but I'm not happy because of them which I guess makes it better.

Valentino, who is sitting on the far on the opposite end of the couch. shoots up from his seat declaring he needs to use the restroom before our movie marathon continues. He quickly races out of the room, not wanting to waste time, which leaves the three of us in silence. 

"That was a horrible movie," Valerio snorts with the roll of his eyes. 

I let out a giggle, finding his words oddly hilarious. They all turn to me with amazement shining in their eyes that probably stems from my laughter.This only makes me laugh more and I throw my head back onto the cushion, continuing my fit of giggles. 

"You can't tell him that," I say, facing him. 

None of them move to reply, they simply settle for staring. 

"Stop staring," I say, a goofy smile still on my face "you guys always do that. I'm not very interesting to look at, you know."

This lightly snaps them out of their daze. 

"Of course you are neonata" Angelo speaks "you're a beautiful young lady."

"Shh,I didn't ask for an opinion" I laugh with a happy tone whilst my eyes shutting on their own accord. 

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