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"I really need a wee, El, what time is it?" He asks.

"Why are you telling me?" I mutter and pick up my phone from the floor of the tent. "10PM."

"Uh oh," he says and suddenly sits up.

"What?" I groan, trying to sleep.

"It's dark outside, what if I get attacked? It's 10PM El but I really need a wee!" He whines and falls back onto the floor with a bang.

"Do you want company?" I ask, just wanting to go back to sleep.

"Yes," he mumbles in a soft voice.

"Then go to someone else's tent and-"

"Elyse!" He loudly huffs.

"Fine, yeah, let's go," I respond and force myself to sit up.

"Wow, your hair is a mess," he chuckles, as a response I playfully hit him with my pillow. Dramatically, he places his hand over his chest and mouths ouch to me. I shoot him back and a harsh look, he smirks.

"Bring a flashlight," I say, pulling his yellow hoodie on. He sits still for a second, his eyes moving around his hoodie. I glance up at him before looking down.

"Why? Are we not feeling doing it in the pitch black?" He giggles, a smirk planted on his face. 

"Fine, if you want to," I coo back as I unzip the tent front.

"Wait! Wait! I was joking," he exclaims his arms shaking in front of him dramatically. "I'll get a flashlight," he mumbles in defeat as he searches through his backpack. Eventually, he pulls a dim one out and flashes it a few times at his face.

"I'm ready!" He chirps and follows me through the tent door, quickly I zip it back closed and follow him down the dirt path. Our feet are the only noise, and I'm in my own world until I feel a weight on my arm. I stop moving suddenly as my eyes dart to my side. Josh is clinging onto me like a child.

"What are you doing?" I grumble, not having enough sleep making me moody.

"I heard a noise from the bushes," he whispers, pulling on my arm, I roll my eyes and he pouts.

"Sometimes you're so childish," I mumble, a small smile on my face.

After walking with him holding onto me I stand outside the bathroom. He stands opposite me, his head tilted.

"Are you not-" he starts.

"No! I'm not coming in with you!" I call out. He rolls his eyes and walks into the bathroom block, I stand there looking up at the trees waving in the wind and thinking about his reaction if I hide. But I don't.

About 3 minutes later he skips back out and puts his arm out for me to hold. He repeatedly glances down at it then me.

"I swear sometimes you forget youre not single," I mutter. In a flash is arm down and I follow him down the dirt path, the air is thick with awkwardness.

He opens the tent for me and I crawl in, he follows after me again.

After we're both comfortable in our sleeping bags, I hear his soft voice say my name.


"I'm sorry," he whispers, his voice softer than usual.

"What for?" I ask back in a dumb manner.

"Saying you need to be looking after-" he starts. I interupt him.

"Josh, it's fine."

"No, please let me apologise too you properly. I know you don't need looking after," he sighs. "You are incredibly strong, anyone dealing with depression or anxiety or PTSD or any mental health disorder is incredibly brave and strong. I am proud of you or anyone who gets up everyday and deals with it, it amazes me. I'm sorry I said all of that too you, you didn't deserve it. No one deserves it, no one deserves any mental health problems," he continues, his voice soft as he stares upwards towards the sky. After finishing he turns to face me. I'm lost for words, I just smile back and slowly nod.

"Uh, anyway, thankyou for coming with me," he mutters and awkwardly pats my shoulder. I nod again.

"Didn't want you to get attacked," I laugh and he smiles back. "But now please can I get some sleep?" I ask.

"Yeah fine, since you politely asked," he jokes. "Firstly," he starts and winks:

"Number nineteen: peeing when you really have too,"


Dedication: perfecthxrmony- you are so kind and supportive towards me, plus your page is so aesthetic like whaaat. Ilysm and all your support. Plus I cannot wait to read your books because all the covers are just beautiful! Tysm. Seriously go follow them! ♡

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