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I kick my legs up and down, watching the water underneath me ripple. The birds chirp around me and dogs bark in the distance. The spring sun shines down on both me Josh. He's sat on his phone, scrolling through Instagram and tapping through Snapchat.

"Do you like Spring?" He suddenly says, his eyes still on his phone and aimlessly scrolling.

"I prefer Winter and Autumn. I like cold weather and storms. I do like the Summer storms though. What about you?" I say, turning to look at him. He places his phone down beside him and turns to face me too.

"I love Winter. Soph likes Summer though so she can wear the floral dresses. She looks great in them," he smiles as she talks about her. For a brief moment I can feel the jealousy- not for him but for the way she gets talked about. Even when she's not here.

"How did you and Sophie meet?"

"We're both popular and one day she messaged me and we started talking, 2 months later I asked her on a date then a month after that I asked her to be girlfriend and she said yes." He laughs, his voice soft as he talks about her with enthusiasm, just like any girl would want to be spoken about.

"Popularity is a big thing then?" I ask, arching my body to look at him easier. His blue eyes are staring down at the river for a brief moment, then with those beautiful blue eyes he looks at me.

"Definitely. I don't know why, but I couldn't date someone unpopular because everyone would make fun of me. I couldn't handle that." He says, his voice is soft and a murmur. "If anyone saw me with you... I'd be made fun of. That's why no one can know." He continues.

I turn my head and gaze down at the calming river. I understand but there's something upsetting about it all. Am I really that embarrassing to be seen with?

"You understand right, Elyse?" He asks, his head moving to look at my face. Quickly, I move my head to look at him. I nod and his face turns from worry to relief. For a moment, we both go silent and the silence is overwhelming.

"Do you wanna go get a drink? It's really hot and I need a soft drink," he asks, standing up and offering his hand to me.

I shake my head and stand up myself. He looks taken back for a second before he smiles brightly at me. I can't help but smile as I follow him through the park and towards the small ice cream van.

"What's your favourite drink?" He pipes up saying.

"Probaly Pepsi Max Cherry, it's elite, what do you like?" I say, skipping up to him.

"Lemonade. I love lemonade but Soph like it when I drink water so I drink that a lot now."

"Water is so plain." I mutter, leaning against a tree near the van.

"I know right!" He laughs, suddenly turning around to face me, his dimples showing clearly now and the sun showing his light freckles clearly.

"Oh, here." I smile, handing him some money to pay for the drinks.

"Thanks. You don't have to though."

"I insist." I laugh, looking up at the green leaves fluttering down around us. He nods and walks to the van, handing over the money and getting the over-priced drinks.

He walks over to me, handing me the cold drink. I let out a sigh of relief as the cold can is in my hand. Cold drinks in Spring are the best.

I hear the fizz as he opens his can and takes a sip from it.

"What do you think of Pepsi Max Vanilla-" he starts to be interrupted by a high and sweet voice. Small footsteps run towards us and suddenly, Sophie's arms are around Josh.

"Hey Soph!" He laughs, placing a soft kiss on her cheek.

"Oh, what are you doing with her?" Sophie says, her eyes glancing me up and down. She stands in front of me, her blonde hair falling down her shoulders, her green eyes shining. I can't help but notice the red marks on her neck though: hickeys. She literally is the perfect woman. Me and Josh both know that as we gaze at her.

"I was just saying hi, she's in maths with us and I'm being polite." He says, his voice awkward and his arms around her waist.

I feel my heart sink as I lean further against the tree.

"Oh good. You know what they say about her, right?" She whispers but loud enough for her to know I can hear her.

"What?" Josh hesitstes his voice somehow maintaining the whisper like hers. He shoots me a look before looking back at Sophie. My eyes immediately stare at the floor, embarrassed and ashamed.

"Not important. Why are you drinking Lemonade? You know what I think of that." She giggles, her hand latching onto hers as she pulls him away. As she pulls him away, I hear some incoherent mutters from him.

I lean against the tree, the Pepsi Max atill cold in my hand. Their hands are intertwined and they walk off. I sigh heavily, turning around again and walking back to the river. I sit over the edge with my feet touching the water and it flowing underneath me.

I feel like I'm sitting there for hours, after some time the sun starts to set and I'm completely in my own world: thinking about all sorts and listening to all sorts of music. That is until my phone buzzes violently in my back. I pull my phone out my bag and glance down at the bright white screen.

Number three: cold drinks when it's boiling.


Dedication: ImiBunny genuinely one of the best people I've met on this app; they are so caring and I feel so comfortable talking to them, they also gave me the honour of making their covers which I love cause omggg. Seriously, I can't convey how much I love this person in this short text I have at the end but check out their books on this account and their second  03rose2005 because they're so talented and I appreciate them so much for giving the time to talk to me and support me ♡ ilysmm

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