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"Elyse, it's 10, wake up. Your dad's made breakfast, and your friends here," my mum says from my door way, groggily I open my eyes and slide out of my bed.

My friend? It suddenly clocks on what she says. I sit up and walk to my door way, my ear at the gap as I try to listen to the voices downstairs.

My mum, my dad and... Josh?

I sigh and pick up my phone from my bedside table. Of course, more unread text messages from Josh.

I don't feel too bad this morning.

You still annoyed at me? I'll be over in 15 minutes to take you dress shopping for prom.

Fuck. Quickly, I run to my wardrobe and fling around different things to wear, eventually just pulling out some black leggings and a plan red tee. I sigh heavily, not sure if I'm mad or relieved he's shown up at my house at ten AM. In a swift motion I shove some money in my purse and then into my bag, flinging it over my shoulder. I do a final stress-relieving sigh and walk down the stairs. Josh looks awkward, avoiding eye contact with me.

"Breakfast?" I ask and my mum slides a plate onto the kitchen island, to which I just smile and sit down on the stool.

I don’t look up from the full plate of food, carefully and anxiously cutting my waffles up.

"So Josh, how do you find the final exams?" My mothers words cutting the silence like a knife.

"Uh, good, thanks Miss Carter," he hums. "I like to think of myself as a good student, so hopefully I did good," he continues. I glance over at him for a second.

"You are a good student, you get A's without revising," I mutter, slightly jealous he never had to study. He forces a chuckle.

"So what are your plans today?" My mothers continues talking, her casual conversation filling the room.

"Uh, I guess-" I start.

Josh interupts. "If it's okay with you I'd like to take Elyse prom dress shopping?" He shoots me a smile, before looking back at my parents. For a second, the smile is wiped away from their faces. I chew my bottom lip nervously- until they both look at each other and grin.

"I don't know if that's a good idea, I don't want to go to prom. I'm done with that school," I abruptly say. My mother shoots me a harsh look, I sink into my stool.

"It'll be good for you, you barely dress up, it's a good chance for you. Josh is being nice enough to go with you, I think you should," my father says. I force a small smile and nod.

I sit on my bed as Josh paces around my bedroom.

"Everything okay? And also where are you taking me to buy a dress?" I ask.

"Somewhere in town, we can get a taxi there, it's a short drive," he shrugs. I nod and stand up from my bed. I open my small plastic box on my desk and bring out my credit card. I slide it into my purse, followed by sliding that into my small backpack.

"What's wrong?" I ask again.

"You ready to go?" He forces himself up towards my doorway.

"Josh," instinctively, my hand grabs his wrist. His eyes settle on me, his face softens.

"Elyse, I'm okay. It's just- Soph is out with my bestfriend and keeps putting selfies on her stories," he mutters to which I frown.

"Doesn't sound like much of a bestfriend, Lewis seems like a bit of an idiot. And Sophie she-"

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