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Can I come over?

And can I please stay a while?

Sure, my parents have gone on a week away. They don't come back for 8 days. Stay as long as you need.

I'll be over in 20 minutes max, I'll bring some stuff so I can stay a while. Thankyou.

I slide my phone back on my desk. I wonder why he's so desperate to come over, his texts had different energy than usual.

Almost 15 minutes later a loud knock echoes throughout the front room. I rush up to the door and open it, smiling brightly. He isn't smiling though. I glance at him, he's wearing a loose black shirt, white-wash jeans and he's carrying a medium sized sports bag. He walks past me and into the front room, dropping down the bag on a chair.

"Everything okay?" I ask as he sits himself down on my sofa.

"Does it look okay, Elyse?" He huffs, staring up at me with a short and sharp gaze.

"Do you wanna tell me what's wrong?" I ask, prying slightly. He shoots me another look before looking back at his phone.

I'll take that as a no.

"Is there anything I can do?" I mumble awkwardly, sitting down on a small chair.

"No," he blandly says. "I just wanna watch a film," he continues, reaching forward for the control. I nod as a response whilst he flicks through my Netflix.

I study his concentrated face, his eyebrow furrowed together and his blue eyes cloudy. I frown, copying the montion of his lips. He's not smiled since he arrived.

After the multiple car chases and gun shots of the action film he picked, I glance over at Josh. He's staring at his hands, he sighs heavily before turning to look at me.

"This is all your fault," he randomly says, his voice soft but his gaze strict.

"What?" I ask, taken back for a second.

"Everything with Sophie," he follows up with. "We argued, she found the Polaroid picture of you in my phone case," he continues, his usual confident voice a low mumble.

"Any sane girlfriend would argue if they found that, you chose to put it there, Josh," I respond and stand up from the sofa.

"I thought it'd make you happy, I'm just trying to look after you."

"I don't need you to look after me."

"You clearly do, Elyse!"

I flinch at his words, my heart clenching for a second.

"I don't need you or anyone Josh. And I'm sorry you and your girlfriend argued but this is not my fault, you cannot blame me for your actions!" I quickly say without a breath, my finger simultaneously pointing at him.

"We only argued because I'm here to fix you!" He says, his voice raised louder than I've ever heard it.

"To fix me?" I question, his face goes pale for a second and he shrugs. "I don't need you, let me remind you that me, like every single fucking person is strong enough without having to depend on another person. As far as I'm concerned, I don't need you I just want you around because it's a nice feeling knowing I'm not alone, but thanks for your help this far along, Josh," I angrily say back, my fists clenched beside me.

"You know that's not what I meant," he says under his breath.

"Then what did you mean?" I ask, my voice harsh.

"That-" his eyes dart down the lit phone screen. Sophie. "It doesn't matter," swiftly, he answers and walks into the kitchen, his footsteps heavy on the wooden floor.

I stand there for a second before sitting back down on the sofa. I sit alone for a while, listening to the mumbles and sniffles of Josh in the kitchen. Might as well pass time, I reach down to the controller and put on Death Parade. I pull the brown blanket over me, getting comfortable in the corner and staring blankly at the TV.

Eventually my eyelids get heavy.

I blink my eyes awake, immediately moving them to the clock and staring at the moving hand. 11PM.

The room is dark apart from the blue light of the filter, I move my eyes around. Is josh still here? I glance at the chair, his bag is still here but where is he?

I keep walking around the empty house, firstly into the kitchen. Not here but his phone is. I glance down at the screen, it's still on. That's a lot of calls and texts from Sophie and a few from his parents. I turn the screen off and walk up the creaky stairs to my bedroom. I push my door open and step inside.

"Hi," he mumbles. I smile to myself and walk into the equally as dark room.

"What are you doing?" I ask, my voice as soft as his. I walk to my desk chair and spin around to face him. He's sat on my bed, leaning against the wall and fiddling with his fingers.

"I couldn't deal with them anymore."

"Them?" I question.

"Sophie asking if she can come over or asking if I can go to hers, my parents texting to find out where I am, even though if I go back they'll just shout at each other, I can't deal with them right now," he mutters, his blue eyes meeting mine as they shine in the moonlight casting through my window. "I'm sorry about what I said, the stress got to me but I guess that's not the only thing I have to apologise for-" he continues. I frown.

"It's okay," I interupt, shaking my head and leaning forward to him. "You're stressed, thankyou for apologising," a small smile appears on his face.

"Can I stay here until your parents get back? I have everything I need here," he stops to look at me, our eyes meet. "I can just text my parents I'm staying with a friend," he suddenly asks. With little hesitation I nod.

He smiles directly at me.

"Number sixteen: because it'll get better."


Dedication: travist_ left a comment on my message board so I checked them out. Firstly, your aesthetic is beautiful! And you seem so kind. Your books seem amazing and I can't wait to read them all. Seriously, check out their profile and their amazing books.

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