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Chapter 53 | Leo is annoying


The air is frigid as I step outside, a shiver coursing through me as I begin to run down the sidewalk towards the park, Taylor Swifts 'You belong with me' blaring in my ears through my air pods. Don't judge me. We all needed to listen to Taylor Swift's old songs once in a while and her tunes have been my only source of serotonin these last few days.

Going on a daily run has been a way to clear my head this past week, my parents think I'm stupid for going outside in this deathly cold weather but as always I ignore their 'concerned' remarks.

Running has been good way to collect my thoughts and my thoughts urgently needed to be collected from the way my mind had been racing these last few days.

Since that day at my house, as cheesy as it sounds, it feels like a small part of me is missing. I find that my days at home are monotonous - well more monotonous than usual.

I'm still grounded and with no escape to Isabella's house - there is absolutely nothing to do.

It has also made me realise how much time I actually spend at the Quintero household. I used to be there at least twice a week and I find myself missing the bustling warmth of their home, how noisy it is all time; whether it be abuela's loud voice booming throughout the house or the patter of Sofia's footsteps as she runs around or even Isabella just shouting at me. I miss it all.

It hasn't even been more than 7 days but it feels like years since I've last seen Isabella. I've been through longer periods of time without seeing her but just remembering how bad of a note we had left on makes the distance seem much harsher.

And as much as I miss Isabella; I miss abuela's cooking more.

The distance however, has left me lots of time for thinking. Well, more time for chastising really. I continue to kick myself for going through her things and pushing her buttons; I seriously don't know how to respect her boundaries and that's something I need to work on if I want to make it up to her somehow.

I don't know if Isabella will ever forgive me for what I've done. Hell, I don't even fully know what I've exactly done to even be forgiven over in the first place (except the whole being annoying and stealing her diary shenanigan).

My first step in soughting out forgiveness has been to give her plenty of space, which I am planning to do for quite a while. I have to let her cool off.

The second, as I got more impatient, had been throwing Mr Bellucas through her window as a way to show that I was sorry. I don't think that particularly worked however as from that exact moment on, she had shut her curtains and windows permanently. She had shut me out permanently and that little gesture was like a kick to the balls.

Aidan and Dylan had been over to visit Isabella, because Grace had told them that she was sick, and I had pestered them into telling me how she was. From what they had said however, it wasn't good.

"She looks really sick," Dylan had said. "She only has a cold but she looks like she's on the last stage of the plague."

Aidan had smacked Dylan at his description.

"Don't be rude Dyl," he rolled his eyes. "...But yeah, Dylan is...somewhat right...she looks really sick, the cold must've really gotten to her."

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