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Chapter 89 | Mrs Bellucas


I think the bouquet of chocolates is too much.

In the time it takes for me to ring the doorbell and for Lucas to open the door, I consider throwing it into the hedge beside me but I had spent a good amount of money, effort and time trying to put this chocolate bouquet mumbo jumbo together so in the last minute, I tell myself to suck it up and present my creation to a bleary eyed, half asleep Lucas.

"Woah, what is this?" He asks, his voice still deep and husky from just waking up merely minutes before. He takes the bouquet from me and inspects it slightly before peeking around the huge thing to look at my face, cracking a grin when he sees me smiling up at him. "What's got you in a cheery mood this morning baby?" He asks, "and why are you here at the crack of dawn, I didn't even get to wake you up yet."

"I'll tell you in a second," I reply, quirking a mischievous brow before getting on my tiptoes so I can press a kiss against Lucas' lips.

Much to my dismay however, he wrinkles his nose and moves his head away. "Sorry Izzy," Lucas says apologetically, "I haven't brushed my teeth yet."

I frown.

"Want a hug instead though?" He asks, cocking his head to the side before engulfing me in his arms as I nod yes.

As Lucas is still in his pjs, a shirtless and grey sweatpants combo, my face gets smooshed right against his bare chest and I revel in the warmth of his skin and his clean, natural woodsy scent. My arms snake around his waist and Lucas splays one of his hands on the back of my head, holding me in place and I hear a sigh escape his lips.

The way Lucas holds me tight against him, tighter than he typically does, tells me that he needs this hug more than I do. My heart sinks as I realise the reason being is because he's still facing the after effects of yesterday's face down with his parents.

It however, does make me glad for not chucking my chocolate bouquet, an attempt in cheering Lucas up, into the bush.

Yesterday evening, I had found Lucas hiding out in his room, pretty upset (no surprise there) and it had taken me a severe amount of self control, to not go back downstairs and punch the shit out of both his mom and dad when I saw the absolute dejection flaring in his glassy eyes.

I had decided then that today I was going to take Lucas on a day out to help ease his mind off things and hopefully raise his mood. The date I had planned was obviously last minute so it wasn't anything super elaborate, just a day out at the beach, hitting the sand and the sea as well as the boardwalk where a couple of rides were situated as well as an arcade then followed by a desert pit stop at Millie's.

After we seperate, I follow Lucas inside and up into his room where he places the excessively large bouquet onto his dresser before falling face flat onto his messy bed with a tired groan. His ass is right there so obviously I give it a loving thwack before moving across his room to open the curtains to let light stream into the dimness of his bedroom.

By the time I've done so, as well as having pulled on one of Lucas' hoodies that I find draped over his desk chair, I turn back to Lucas to see him now leaning against the bed frame, hands behind his head just watching me with a sleepy grin. He pats the space beside him. "Come sit."

"Wait, before that," I hold up my finger as I take a couple of steps towards him until I'm standing beside him on the bed. "I have something to give you," I say, digging into the back pocket of my jeans.

Lucas gazes at me quizzically, "What is it?" He asks as I dig into the back pocket of my jeans and pull the little item into view.

I watch Lucas' eyebrows shoot up in recognition when I wave the teddy's little paw at him.

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