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Chapter 81 | Crazy Mia


It's been a couple of days since Lucas and I have been...well, dating and I've found that not much has changed between the two of us. Unlike Grace and Aidan who had transformed into the world's most loviest doviest couple on the planet since confessing their feelings for each other or Mia and Sammy who jump each other's bones whenever they see each other, the dynamic between Lucas and I has barely changed.

For the most part, we still act the same around each other...there's just a tad more touching and a lot more making out.

Like for example, how we are right now: it's a typical Friday evening, Lucas and I are sprawled on the floor of my living room and we're watching a k-drama like we usually do. His nails are painted all black except the thumb that's light blue and mine are the same except in inverted colours. The only difference to how we would have been before, is that he's laying on me with his right hand up my shirt and clutching my left boob for comfort.

"Dude get your hand from out there, what if my mom or grandmother walk in," I mumble, down casting my eyes at his head for a second.

"I'll remove my hand super fast if that happens," Lucas mumbles in response, tightening his hold around me and most of his attention still on the show that's playing out on the TV.

I roll my eyes although he can't see and pop a piece of salted popcorn into my mouth as I resume watching. The tv flickers in the darkness of the room and a moment later, with his free hand, Lucas snatches a bowl of popcorn from my grasp and stuff a whole load of kernels into his mouth. I chuck a piece of popcorn at his head in return.

"Who's that?" Lucas asks me, his voice muffled seeing as it's full of popcorn, pointing a finger to the random guy who's walked onto the scene playing out on the TV.

"How am I supposed to know, this is my first time watching it too." I shuffle in my seat to get comfortable again, my butt numb from being sprawled out like this and having Lucas practically laying across me. When I'm sitting more upright against the sofa and in a different position, I begin running my fingers through the soft strands of Lucas' hair and run my nails across the scalp the way I know he likes it.

"Oh right."

"Uhuh," I return, twirling my fingers around a single lock of his hair, "now hush."

I zone back into the plot of the drama trying to watch intently as some gruesome murder plays out in front of me but barely a minute goes by when I'm snapped out of my focus once again and my attention draws itself elsewhere.

"Your phone is ringing," Lucas points out, gesturing to my vibrating phone on the floor beside us.

I squint against the bright light in the darkness to see that it's Mia calling. The picture of her on the screen that I set for when she calls, greets me as the ringtone plays out and I giggle to myself. It's a really bad picture of Mia sleeping; drool dribbling out of the corner of her mouth and a dick painted on her face with a marker that Grace and I had put there.

I promptly lift the phone up before the call can end and swipe the facetime call before propping the screen up so my face is in view.

"Hey cumslut," Mia greets, grinning widely, her face so close to the screen only her nose and mouth are in frame.

I quirk an eyebrow. "Hey Mi."

"Mia what is that greeting?" Lucas interjects, his mouth full of popcorn and I turn the phone so she can see him. He shakes his head amusedly. "I seriously worry about you."

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