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A/n TW for this chapter <3

Chapter 57 | The Diner


"Bella are you okay? You look so shaken up."

"Huh?" I snap out of my daze and turn to see Mia and Grace gazing down at me with concerned faces. "Oh yeah," I say dismissively. "Yeah, I'm fine."

They both continue to look apprehensive, not quite believing me.

"What happened on the ride?" Grace whispers, like she is treading on thin ice by asking this, she motions up to the ferris wheel we are still standing by.

The two girls had promptly rushed over me to after I had gotten off the cart and Lucas and I had split directions.

"Oh erm literally nothing, it was completely silent, we barely said a word to each other except when I said thank you to him for taking me to the hospital and then at the end when he...apologised."

Mia raises an eyebrow. "He apologised?"

"Yeah." I nod, thinking back to what had just happened in the past 15 minutes. His little apology definitely had come to me as a surprise. I hadn't expected it seeing as how the both of us had remained mostly silent the entire ride but then again I also hadn't expected to be stuck in the ride with him in the first place either.

It had definitely been an odd and slightly un-nerving experience. Anxiety and alarm had been pressing down on my heart throughout the entire time and what was usually a peaceful experience on the ferris wheel turned out to be one that was highly uncomfortable.

I definitely was overly rattled by his presence and I couldn't apprehend why. Yes, my feelings towards Lucas were all over the place but the fact I couldn't stop trembling or bobbing my knee up and down was too much.

The fact he had been sitting so close, even after I had shuffled right to the end of the cart, sent a whole flurry of other emotions through me. Our close proximity had meant I could feel the warmth of his body radiating off of him as he say beside me and still smell his crisp scent and that sent butterflies to swarm my stomach.

It's like my brain couldn't decide what to feel around him.

The three of us turn around and begin to walk to the front of the fair where the exit is located, following our parents. We walk through the crowds of people, leaving the bustling fair behind us as we walk towards the gate where Jay and Andrew are meeting us after having snuck away to the arcade instead of getting on the ferris wheel like the rest of our group.

Lucas has long disappeared by now - like I had said before, he had made an escape after we both had stepped off the ferris wheel. I had watched his retreating figure walk away and disappear into the sea of fair-goers, taking notice of the way his hands had been stuffed into the pockets of his jacket and the way his shoulders had been slumped forward and the defeated look on his face as he had turned one last time to look over his shoulder at me.

That image of his gutted face was playing on repeat on my mind.

"Bell," Mia begins snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I raise my eyebrows to see both Mia and Grace gazing down at me. "Oo sorry I zoned out."

"It's okay," she snorts with a wave of her hand. "Grace and I were just wondering if you...think things between Lucas and you will ever be okay again." She asks this with confidence but I can tell she is still wary that she might be treading into uncharted waters by questioning this.

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