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Chapter 13 | Arguments, detention and more jealousy


"Thank you for that wonderful presentation!" Mr Carter smiles as the rest of the class begin to clap and Lucas and I take a seat back down at our desks.

As the next pair stand up to present Lucas nudges me with the elbow. "Thanks for completing the project," he tells me and I keep my gaze to the front of the class.

I nod curtly in reply and from my peripheral vision I can still see Lucas staring at the side of my head.

"I'm sorry you had to do it by yourself," he apologises, his tone laced with guilt.

"It's fine," I respond, my tone clipped.

After the whole situation that went down in Millie's I hadn't spoken to Lucas at all. He had only messaged me a couple days after claiming that he was busy and that Ivy had 'banned' him from hanging out with me and I had a strong feeling it had something to do with our lovely conversation at the fair a handful of days ago, so I was left doing the entire assignment all alone. It had taken me double the time to do so and I had only, in fact, finished it yesterday evening, giving me just enough time to forward Lucas the bits that he would need when we would be presenting to the class.

It was safe to say I was kind of irked. I thought it was immature of Ivy to ban Lucas from doing a measly school project with me but I seemed to be even more mad at Lucas for not even trying to do his part of the assignment. I mean, he could've done a lot by himself without us meeting up but no, he left it all to me to do.

Now that I think about it, recently all I ever seemed to be was be annoyed at Lucas.

"I promise I'll make it up to you," he eggs on and I roll my eyes.

"It's FINE," I say a little louder than I had meant to and the entire class turn to face me.

Mr Carter frowns. "Isabella is there something you want to share with the class?"

"No," I mutter, burning red and sliding down in my seat. "Sorry."

He nods curtly and turns back to the pair presenting and gestures for them to continue.

As the presentions continue, Lucas tries to constantly gain my attention but I proceed to ignore him, not caring what he has to say.

Poke. "Isabella."

Poke. "Isabella stop airing me."

Poke. "C'mon Isabella please stop ignoring me."

Poke. "Belly please."

At the use of my old nickname I remain even more silent and instead scoot my chair right to the edge of the desk so I'm more further away from Lucas and his frankly very aggravating poking.

But for some odd reason Lucas still doesn't take the hint and continues to bug me to gain his attention.

Poke. "Isabella."

"Isabella." More poking.

I grind my teeth together to try and stop myself from lashing out in the middle of class but alas after the 60th million time someone pokes your arm is it really a surprise that I crack.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT?" I snap at Lucas, yanking my arm upwards and he jumps back in shock at my abrupt motion.

The entire class falls eerily silent and I feel all eyes on me and before Lucas can even answer my question Mr Carter's voice booms at me from the front and I shut my eyes and wince.

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