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Chapter 56 | Winter wonderland


"Lucas honey is that you," my moms overly cheery voice calls out the moment the echo of the front door slamming shut courses through the house.

I instantly freeze. Dammit. I didn't think they would be home yet.

My parents had left the house earlier today unexpectedly so I had taken the chance to visit Dylan and Aidan. Both parties were leaving tonight to travel across the state to spend Christmas with their extended families so today would have been the last time I would see the both of them until New Years.

My parents hadn't told me where they were going and I had assumed they wouldn't be back till late. But I guess not.

"Yeah...I, er, just went out for a run," I call out in reply before quickly slapping both of my cheeks repeatedly to give my face a flush to make my lie seem even somewhat believable.

My mom however only hums absentmindedly in response which is not the reaction I was expecting. I slowly treck down the hallway and towards the kitchen where both my parents are seated at the kitchen island. I pause at the doorway and flit my eyes across the two, still awaiting them to go all dragon mode on me for going out when I'm still grounded.

"Why are you so pink?" My dad asks with a frown, looking up from his laptop.

I point behind me and draw my eyebrows together. "The, er, ru-nevermind what's up with you guys?"

At this my mom perks up. She pats the seat beside her. "Why don't you take a seat sweetie?"

I raise an eyebrow apprehnsively and cross my arms across my chest. "Why? What's going on? You never call me sweetie-"

"Just take a seat Lucas. Do as your told for once for pete's sake," my dad snaps and I reel back at his abrupt tone. My face immedietly hardens and I press my lips into a thin line as my mom places a hand on my father arm, telling him to calm down.

"Honey calm down," she hisses before turning back to me. "Excuse your father, we are both a bit stressed from work."

My father rolls his eyes and shuts his laptop closed, taking his glasses off and putting them on the kitchen counter.

"Son, take a seat." He tells me, firmly.

I don't budge.

When they both realise I'm not going to move from the doorway my dad rubs his temples frustratedly.

"Fine," my mother sighs exasperatedly, her sweet tone wilting away in an instant. "We're...leaving tomorrow. The wedding we're planning that is on the 16th of January is having complications and they urgently need us in Switzerland by boxing day."

I blink. "What?"

"We're leaving tomorrow evening," my father repeats slowly, annoyance lacing his voice from the fact he's had to repeat what my mother had just told me.

"What about Christmas?" My heart sinks and my eyebrows knit together. "Tomorrow's Christmas Eve-"

My mother frowns and she looks almost apologetic. Almost. "I'm sorry Lucas, we're not going to be here for Christmas this year," she says and disappointment floods through me.

"Where am I supposed to spend it then?" This time when I speak my voice is laced with frustration.

"I'm sure you can spend it at Isabella's or Aidan's or Dylan's even-"

"The guys are leaving tonight and aren't back until the new years and I can't fucking spend it at Isabella's-"

"Language!" My father narrows his eyes. "And don't be silly, I'm sure Valeria wouldn't mind if you spent it with them-"

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