Chapter 29

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Presenting chapter 29 and it is dedicated to @jennifer007 :D

Pic on the side is of of Templar>>>


“ It’s time to care; it’s time to

take responsibility; it’s time to

lead; it’s time for a change;

it’s time to be true to our

greatest self; it’s time to stop

blaming others.

Steve Maraboli ,

Unapologetically You:

Reflections on Life and the

Human Experience


“And you are telling me this now?” I asked startled pulling away from Rett and already making my way towards Rett’s car.

“You just came back” he mumbled sheepishly.

“What exactly happened?” I asked sitting in the passenger side of the car. “Was anyone there with Trudy?” She was alone in the house when I had gone to meet the pack.

“Yes, Keith and Ben were there with her when her water broke. They rushed to the hospital along with Sveta and Ophelia. Terence and his mate left just few minutes ago” Rett said while he buckled his seat belt. “And we are leaving only after you change your clothes” he said and I looked down to see that I was soaking wet.


After shower, I changed into a jeans and a tube top. While I was brushing my hair, I recalled something Rett had said yesterday. It was about the promise he made to Randall.

I had every intention of helping him in fulfilling that promise, but before that I wanted to find Klaus. The very same rogue, whom I had followed and crossed so many pack territories for, but was still unable to catch.

I wanted to catch him.

But I didn’t know where that filthy mutt was hiding.

While I went downstairs I was so much into thinking where he might be that I didn’t even notice Rett, until I collided against him.

“Templar” Rett said holding my shoulders. “What world are you lost in?”

“I was thinking…”


“The rogue, Klaus”

“He is dead”

“Dead? Are you sure?” I queried in shock. How can he die like that? I wanted to kill him.

“Rett?” I probed when there was no confirmation from him.

“No. Not sure”

“Then I don’t think he is dead. I am pretty sure he is in some place partying. After all, he got a good sum of money to bait me that day” I said through gritted there.

“I know someone who can find him” Rett said and I looked up in surprise.



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