Chapter 25

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Tan-Tadaaa…. On the last day of this year, I am presenting Chapter 25 for you all :D

This chapter is dedicated to @ALIFEYA :)


“Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.” 
― Sun Tzu
, The Art of War


It was four-thirty in the afternoon and I was near the guest-house, waiting for Adio who was returning from Myron’s pack.

Tarik, who was supposed to go yesterday, chose not to go because he wanted to stay and put Templar to sleep. The Khepri’s have certain chants that they use when they remove a bad spirit from a person’s body. When they do that only the bad spirit will be awake, while the possessed person will be out like a light.

That is what Tarik does to Templar. Every time, he holds her hand, he pulls all her energy which leaves Templar in a limpness state. Drew’s spirit even though it’s awake, it is unable to do anything because the body it depends is unable to move.

It also explains why I felt shock pass through me when I touched Tarik to wake him up. His whole body was in fiery heat from the energy he had pulled from Templar’s body.

Right now, I was also waiting for Tarik, who had gone early morning to help his father in the FireLight Pack.

As soon as I heard horns of a vehicle, I climbed out of my car and leaned against the wing of the car. Two minutes later, Adio, Tarik, Cam and few wolves, who had gone with Adio as bodyguards, got out of their cars.

“Welcome back” I told Adio, who just nodded. I motioned for the guards to take Adio and Tarik’s bag inside for him.

“Did everything go well?” I asked Cam who nodded as a reply. “Did he tell anything?” the ‘he’ here referred to Adio.

“No. He just kept looking around the place. Asked for some stuffs to be arranged” Cam mumbled with a frown and I looked at him in confusion.

“Stuffs like?”

“Ropes, gasoline…” Cam answered and I furrowed my brows in confusion. Why would Adio need ropes and gasoline?

“Did he say why he needed them?” I queried.

“No. Myron kept asking but he didn’t tell why. Said he is going to tell only once to all of us” Cam replied and I scowled.

“Only once?” I mumbled. What is he going to tell us only once?

Scratching my forehead, I shook my head and looked at Cam. “Go home” I told him and he nodded.

Once the guards had left, I stepped inside the guest house and called for Adio.

“Now that you have seen the FireLight Pack do you think it is possible for you to do what you intend to do?” I demanded. My wolf perked up, curious to listen to what Adio had to say.

“Yes, Mr. Green” Adio replied with a smile.

“Well, what do you intend to do?” I questioned. I wanted to know what Adio had planned.

“Not right now Mr. Green. I am tired and I need rest” Adio said sincerely.

Feeling embarrassed for not bothering about that, I nodded once. “I will see you tomorrow” I told him and Adio nodded.

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