Chapter 5

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Here is chapter 5 which is dedicated to @ShraddhaKcKC :D

Pic on the side is of the pack territories >>> (YES, I didn’t learn my lesson in H&HP. So I attempted even here. Anyway, I hope it is helpful. ALSO- ANY BAD COMMENT MADE ON THAT MAP WILL NOT BE APPRECIATED! )


“We would do ourselves a tremendous favor by letting go of the people who poison our spirit.” 
― Steve Maraboli
, Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience



Growling thunderously, I slammed hard on the brakes hard. The back wheels went into a skid and the car came to a stop, missing a trunk of a tree by mere inches.

I swore and started taking deep breaths to calm myself. It wasn’t helpful because my heart was thumping wildly in my chest.

How the hell did they know? Who told them? Did they just guess it or did someone…. Especially the rogues tell it to other packs?

I was shaking furiously and glaring ahead, lost in my thoughts, completely aware that Terence had stopped driving and was rushing towards me, closely followed by January.

“What’s wrong?” Terence asked tapping my arm.

January reacted quickly by picking up the phone that had dropped near my feet. I turned to face her and hear the conversation.

“Hello?” she said placing the phone next to her ear.


“Yes. It’s me. What happened?”

“Where’s Everett? Is he alright?”

“He is in shock but he is… fine. Tell me, what happened?” she asked and Keith repeated the same. January’s eyes started turning pitch black and she growled furiously. “How the fuck did they come to know?” she snarled.

“I have no idea. While I called Brandon’s pack, his Beta informed me that they spotted a she-wolf. He then asked me it’s not possible for them to stop the white wolf. Before I could ask anything he cut the call. My guess one of the rogues told them.”

“Those sons of bitches” January spat.

“Look, now is not the time to think about it. You already know where Tem is so go and stop her.” Keith advised.

“We figured she would be in Gold-dust. We will find her and sought this out” she said and then cut the call.

Gulping audibly, I took my phone from her. “Let’s go” I said and then resumed driving.

I drove like I was in a car race. At any cost, I wanted to find Templar. I inhaled deeply and growled in frustration when I couldn’t trace her scent.

Where is she? Please don’t tell me she crossed Gold-dust.

I quickly called Keith and frowned when he didn’t answer. I then called Cam. He was quick to pick up.

“Cam, call Brandon and ask him whether Templar has already crossed their territory?” I ordered him over the phone.

“Will get back to you” he said quickly. I was glad that both Cam and Keith were working swiftly even though they weren’t here with us. Templar had made a right decision when she chose them as her Beta and Third-in-command.

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