Chapter 39

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Presenting the last chapter of ITWW... which is dedicated to @sherinhidayatx :D

Pic above of Moon Goddesss ^^^^ Well, without the face!

NOTE: This is not the end. THERE WILL BE AN EPILOGUE!


"A people, like stars, are entitled to eclipse. All is well, provided the light returns and the eclipse does not become endless night. Dawn and resurrection are synonymous. The reappearance of the light is the same as the survival of the soul."

Victor Hugo


The car stopped in front of Simon Ryker's mansion in the LockWood Pack. I turned my head to the right to look at the place. Even though the house was big, there was this dark aura around it that could automatically make others cautious. The ghastly silence around the area wasn't helpful either. In short, the place wasn't welcoming at all.

"Let's finish this" Rett told me climbing out of the car. I followed and behind us, Ketih and Cam climbed out of their car. There were no guards in the place and at first, it made me suspicious, but then I recalled that Simon Ryker lived alone.

Rett opened the black gates and it made a piercing noise as it was pushed open. My eyes automatically drifted towards the LockWood Pack fighters who had surrounded the house. They were ordered to do so by their Alpha. David had sent his men, to help us if need arises.

I honestly doubt any such need would arise!

Sighing, I followed after Rett and walked through the driveway to reach the door. I narrowed my eyes when I found it already open.

"I have been waiting for you" I heard an unfamiliar voice say the moment I stepped inside the house.

A man, who had his back to us, was seated on the couch, watching T.V. He was blindly flicking the channels. Once he switched off the T.V, I strode ahead to take a seat on the couch.

That's when I finally saw Simon Ryker. He was old... older than I expected.

He might be probably in his early sixties. He had dull green eyes, pepper hair and frail skin. One corner of his lips tilted upwards when he saw me and I stiffened. My wolf growled aggressively the moment she saw that.

"What took you so long?" Simon questioned leaning back in his seat and I narrowed my eyes, while Rett, Keith and Cam frowned at him.

"I had much more important work to do then spend time with you" I said carelessly and Simon chuckled.

"Then why are you here now?"

"You know why" I told him, my red eyes clashing with his green ones.

"My son had the same color eyes when he shifted" Simon said glaring at me and I stared at him with an expressionless face.

"I don't care about that. I just want you to end this. Stop this vengeance of yours for the good of not just me but for your own self" I told him.

"You want me to forget what you did to my son? My son, who was the last in our line. My son, who was my world, my pride and you, took him away from me" Simon snarled in rage.

"And as a revenge... you took mine" I hissed through gritted teeth and all of a sudden, Simon smirked.

"I did. Yes, I did" he said and chuckled. His chuckled made my wolf howl in pain and my eyes flooded with tears. "You have no idea how happy I felt when the doctor told me you were pregnant." Rett growled loudly, while I clenched my fists. "I wanted you to go through that same pain. I wanted you to know how it feels for a parent to lose their child, when they are still alive. I wanted to kill you, but what better way to take my revenge then killing your child" Simon sneered and I swallowed back a sob.

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