Chapter 15

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Hey Guys,

Here is another chapter 15 which is dedicated to @CatalinaJeoboam :)

Pic on the side is of>>>



“If there's one thing I've discovered, it's that stifling yourself will only lead to more misery. [...] I polluted all other happiness because I was afraid to let myself create and change. You have to have courage. Real courage to explore, to fail, and to pick yourself back up again.”
Siobhan Vivian, Same Difference


As soon as Templar stepped into our room, she turned and closed the door shut. Just when I thought things were getting back to normal, something like this happens.

She was fine today morning. I don't think she even remembered the small fight we had last night. I was pleased to see it but then the crazy guard....

My wolf snarled ferociously as Edward's face popped in my head. How dare that wolf accuse Templar of burning and writing such a threatening message on the board? Even if Goddess tells me I wouldn't believe it. Templar isn't capable of doing something so malicious. This must have been done by some rogue who had managed to get into my pack territory. But the main question is how did this rogue manage to get so far into the territory?

I shook my head and tried to concentrate on the important issue here, which is Templar. I wanted to take her somewhere away but when the temple is being attacked, I no longer think it's a good idea. It gives rogues an impression of come on. The pack might get attacked too and most importantly, I know Templar wouldn't agree to come with me. The pack has always been her first concern.

However, I didn't like watching her being sad and if we stay in the pack, she is going to be sad. Suddenly, an idea popped into my head. I knew what or in this case who could help Templar when she was dull like this.

I immediately connected with January through our mind link. “What?” the spitfire snapped and I growled threateningly.

“Can you come to the house to talk to Templar?”  I requested.

“Uh.... I'm in city” January replied quietly.

“When did you leave?” I asked furrowing my brows in confusion. No wonder she wasn’t there today morning.

“I left last night; I will return today evening. There was this important outdoor assignment and my ass-boss threatened to sack me if I missed.” I winced as I heard it because for a moment, I almost forgot January had a job.

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