Chapter 35

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This chapter is dedicated to @tink32798 who is celebrating her birthday ;)


“Some people don't understand the promises they're making when they make them," I said.
"Right, of course. But you keep the promise anyway. That's what love is. Love is keeping the promise anyway.” 
― John Green
, The Fault in Our Stars


Once we reached the docks, Rett hired a white speedboat that he told would take us to Rómvos, the island, he told me, was just forty minutes away.

Jan and Terence had accompanied us. The pack has collaborated with FireLight Pack earlier in the morning and Myron and Keith assured me that they would take care of everything. I trusted them and I knew my pack was safe.

We did not know what Adio wanted but Rett had given him his word and now it was time to live up to it. There was no other option. Adio had helped me a lot and I owed this to him. I did not know what he wanted, couldn’t even think of anything. He was such a silent man and he always had a poker face.

After Rett told me of Adio’s call, we informed the whole pack, booked a flight ticket and now, here we are.

When we were all in the boat, Terence started driving it.

Lowering my head, I looked at the water and smiled whenever the salt water would splash on my face.

“Tem look, that’s the island” Jan said excitedly pointing ahead and I followed her gaze to see the island with tall green trees and big, rocky Mountains. It was a very beautiful view to watch from far ahead and I was mesmerized by it.

“Can you see those tall pillars?” Rett asked me and I nodded. “That’s right in front of their temple.”


My heart beat increased erratically in my chest as we approached closer to the island. I closed my eyes and offered a silent prayer to the Goddess hoping, she would help us in this too.

Terence stopped the boat and I got down along with Jan. While Rett and Terence secured the boat to a jetty, I looked ahead at the continuous rows of trees. Nothing past those thick trees was visible to me. Sighing, I spun to ask Rett where we had to go from here.

“Templar” I heard a familiar voice calling from behind me and I smiled as I saw Tarik approaching towards us with a group, who I suppose were his friends. Just like Tarik, the other boys too had no hair in their head.

Tarik wrapped his arms around me, “Welcome to Rómvos.”

Pulling away, he shook hands with Rett and Terence. “Come on, this way” he told us and we followed after him.

I gasped as I saw their house which was like a palace. But then again, Adio was a billionaire. He owned gold mines, of course he is rich!

As soon as I climbed out of the car, I saw a woman in her late-thirties approaching us. She was wearing a simple floor length gown and she had jet black curly hair. Just like Tarik, her eyes were also gold.

“Mr. Green” she smiled as she saw Rett and shook his hands. When she saw me, she gasped and smiled widely, “The White Wolf if I am not mistaken” she said and nervously, I nodded. “I’m honored to meet you” she said sincerely.

“Same here” I whispered because I did not know what else to say.

“My name is Dalila and I am Adio’s wife” she introduced herself.

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