Chapter 15

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Thank you for your patience I know this took a little longer than usual for me to get done. Enjoy

Chapter 15


Closing the door I tossed my jacket on the chair and irritatingly scrub my nails through my hair. I've made a mess of things for a while now and it's all catching up to me. Squeezing my eyes closed tight I feel the pulsing of the headache from the hit I took tonight. A fricking concussion as soon as the game started too. I didn't even get to show Riley what I've got.

I know it's egotistical and yeah, I like to show off for my family. They come to support all of us, not just me. That's why I had such a great time sitting up in the suite watching the game with Riley. I got to just be a part of that again and remember why. Why I should never take anything I have for granted. I never get to watch my family play without being on the field with them anymore. I think I normally would have been pissed about the hit but I wasn't.

That's due to Riley

Just to spend the night with her and watch my family play. To enjoy some time together and have her get a view inside my family and see who we really are, who I really am. I'm not the guy that expects her to fall at my feet, or the guy on the red carpet that looks like a million bucks.

Ask my family

Every one of them have made sure my feet are planted firmly on the ground. I'm the first to admit I've got an ego but what guy doesn't? I used to watch Uncle Blake get his ego smashed into bits by Emma and that was after they were married. I heard stories about how she treated him and him, her. I don't want that.

I want to do this the right way even if I've started it all wrong. Riley said trust isn't just given but earned. She's absolutely right. Not that proving myself to her will be easy. It won't be. If this was easy I don't think I would feel so strongly about it being the right choice for me.

That doesn't mean I won't be trying to take some liberty if she'll allow it. So far I haven't gotten very far. She's too smart for me. She knows what I'm doing, she knows my game and calls me out for it. I love that about her. No bullshit allowed.

My eyes drift to the door and I groan knowing exactly how I must have sounded to her. Telling her she can stay with me just to be sure I'm okay. What a fucking idiot I am! Riley is too smart to fall for my bullshit lines like that! Who was I to think she would fall for a line like that?

Riley is different, special. There's just something about her that makes me want to try to do the right thing by her. What was I thinking, suggesting Riley could spend the night with me? Of course she won't! I'm being fucking stupid! Just thinking with my dick again.

How many times have I convinced other girls after games, at parties or from my classes to come to my room and stay? To have sex even though I was in a relationship with Leighton and didn't care. Oh the girls knew about Leighton that was never a secret and I was upfront that I wouldn't be able to get into a relationship with them. They didn't care. Even though I knew I would never commit to one of them I did it to Leighton and didn't feel an ounce of guilt. What does that say about me?

Is it really any wonder Riley doesn't trust me?

I wouldn't trust me! I should have listened to Uncle Blake a long time ago and broke up with Leighton when I started college. We should have gone separate ways but Leighton convinced me that we were this elite couple. That we were bigger than Uncle Blake and we weren't. Not even close, I'm such a fool.

I've screwed this up in every possible way and was about to resort to my old ways all over again, just because I can't keep my dick in my pants for one night. I've been a jerk for too long and I've got to be better if I want a chance here. That means me and my hand are going to best friends for a good long while, so be it!

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