Chapter 35

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Chapter 35


Everything had settled down, thanks to Grandma. She always has had a way of getting people under control. She talked to Riley about the money, the family and I'm not sure what else, but Riley has calmed down and we've been able to get everything worked out.


It's too bad everything else in my life is crazy. Between spring exams and getting ready for the combine, I haven't been able to really enjoy my time with her. But I've got her back, that's what's important.

Our classes are at different times and I'm no longer the TA for her class. My practices are long and grueling. There are days I come home and sink into an ice bath. I'm in so much pain. But Riley takes care of me. Massages, dinners and just being there, makes all this work worth it. At the end of the day, we study together at night, and sleep wrapped up together when we're done.

Tonight is our blue and gold game. Our last practice for the year, and our last run before the combine. It's a big night, where scouts come out to watch us. Offense against defense, we pull out all the stops to show them what we've got. It's our last chance to get into the draft. Good, bad, or ugly, tonight is important for every one of us looking to go pro.

Riley promised she would be here to cheer me on. Along with the rest of the family, who are taking up the bulk of the stands. I've got my cheering section filled to capacity. Grandma and Jim are the only ones not here. Grandma is still pretty weak and Blake convinced her to stay home to watch the game. It's too hard on her yet to sit in the stands. She reluctantly agreed and that's only because Blake and Jim pushed her. She's one stubborn lady.

I haven't been out to the field yet, so I don't know who's here already. It's still an hour before kick off, but I haven't been able to get a hold of Riley to make sure she's on her way. Hunter gave her the ticket to get in this morning and she promised me that Riley was going to come. I know Riley was in her late class today and said she would come straight to the stadium after class, but according to Hunter's last text, she hasn't seen her yet. She'll get here, I know it.

I'm still in the locker room getting taped up. My shoulder is still having problems. That hit I took was harder than I thought. The next day, I could barely lift my arm, much less throw a decent spiral. This really isn't a good time for an injury.

Our taperoom time this week has been humiliating. Coach has ripped each one of us on our games. Our errors have been plenty and he's pointed each one out. My O-line needs to protect me better tonight or I won't be going to the combine. I can't take another hit with my shoulder as messed up as it is.

I had Jake and Tyler take a look at it. After an MRI and several tests, they think I need rotator cuff surgery before I can play in the NFL. But if I admit that before the draft, I won't go in the first round, much less the fifth. I can't let anyone know just how bad my shoulder is, not until I've got a contract signed.

Blake and Matt know about my injury. Jake and Tyler didn't keep this a secret from them. I've already been warned by Blake to be upfront about it before the draft. I'm just worried that no one will want an injured QB. Why would they? Any of the teams I want to play on will want a QB who's ready to start. They won't pay for any player who immediately needs a major surgery.

Blake thinks I could still get drafted for a back up position and prepped for a future first string, while I'm recuperating from this. I don't want a back up position, I want the first string. How am I supposed to follow in Blake's footsteps, if I don't play?

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