Chapter 11

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Chapter 11
How to Fix the Problem


Traffic was horrible. I got stuck in rush hour on I-10 heading out of town. It didn't really start moving until I hit Riverside. By then, I needed to stop for gas and pee. Grabbing a soda and some red vines, nutter butters and a banana, I was back on the road.

The road gave me time alone to think about everything that has happened. I was so utterly wrong about Hunter and Aiden. Although I made my apology to Hunter and the girls, I still had some apologies to make. The guys seemed to understand as well but they are right about something. I owe Aiden an apology and explanation for my behavior, even if there's something nagging me.

He still has a girlfriend and I don't do that

An apology doesn't mean I'm going to go back to the way it was. It only means I won't hurt him more than I have. From what Hunter said he was pretty upset about everything. I don't want that on my conscience and there's no reason we can't be friends.

I do think I should find another tutor. I'm not sure that sitting on his bed, as close as we have been is a good idea. Tempting fate could be detrimental to my heart. And honestly, the only one worried about my heart is me. And then there is the issue of living at the apartment.

I'm still not sure how I got so lucky to be there but as with most things, luck runs out and I have to face reality. It was too good to be true, I knew that from the beginning but I enjoyed seeing how the other side lives.

I'm used to going without, having limited resources and budgeting my way. That's not what the Bradford Drake's family does. I'm not sure those girls know the word budget. And Aiden just bought a laptop because a stranger needed it.

He does have a good heart. And what I said was cruel. He is a good person. I might not agree with his moral compass but he does have a heart. A very sweet heart but he has a girlfriend. I have to remember that.

The lights flash past me as the evening has dimmed into night and the road has opened in front of me. Usually I like to drive. I used to drive off my temper at home but there weren't the problems on my mind then, that I have now. And this isn't a temper I'm struggling with but something else.

Something deeper, simmering just below the surface

I keep coming back to it. The last kiss we had was mind blowing. My body was flooded with power and fire that chased through my veins and took me to another state altogether. I've never felt so out of control, yet so powerful. There was something shockingly arousing, volatile about Aiden.

Something I still want

Touching my lips, I can just imagine the feel of his lips on them. The jolting energy of his hands on my skin. The way they laced into my hair and galvanized my will.

The blast of a horn shocks me out of my thoughts. I need to keep my mind on the road. Aiden isn't an option for me. I know that. I don't see that changing over a week. I just need to make a plan to move forward from here.

By the time I got to my father's house, it was almost two in the morning. Of course, my Dad wasn't asleep yet. Sometimes I wonder if he ever sleeps. But the front porch light is on and I can see the yellow glow of the light from the kitchen. He must be making a late dinner.

I hope he checked his messages. It's not like he gets a lot of calls on his cell. Usually it's just me, or the creditors who want to get paid. He tries to do his best. But he can only pay so much. Being poor is hard in so many ways.

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