Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Cinderella's Hangover


Breathing deep, I can still smell his cologne so close to my face. I thought I was dreaming again but it's just so real. Rolling my head, the pain hits instantly. The hard throb in my temples, in my eyes makes me wonder if I fell on my head in my sleep. Or down a flight of stairs. Covering my eyes I bury my face in the pillow, again I smell him. Aiden. His name is Aiden.

It's then I notice the bed feels different. It's like laying on a cloud. The sheets are softer, the comforter silkier, the mattress is bigger. I've got a nice bed but not like this. This is not my bed. Slowly I open my eyes and peek through my fingers. The dresser by the door isn't mine, the bathroom, the desk and the football equipment. None of this is mine.

Oh no, what did I do? I can't put the pieces from last night together. I remember the girls fussing over me. I didn't want to go. I wanted to stay home and study. They were just so insistent and I caved in. I remember I didn't recognize the girl in the mirror, they had transformed me into a beautiful mysterious stranger. I felt like Cinderella going to the ball. But then my nerves took over.

I don't remember what happened

Looking down at myself I don't recognize what I have on. I'm in a big T-shirt, it's not mine. I don't know how I got into it. No one is here with me. I guess that's a good thing. I didn't do anything too stupid. Rolling slowly to my back and trying to remember the night before, I close my eyes tight and try to focus. I got to the party with the girls. I didn't know anyone and I lost the girls immediately. I found the kitchen was mostly empty compared to the other rooms and stayed in the kitchen. I talked with Sebastian Mattox, and he gave me a drink, lemonade. He gave me a few of them I think. Then I'm blank. There's nothing after that only waking up here.

I need to get out of here. Moving slowly to not jar my brain more than necessary I sit up and look at the clock on the nightstand, six fifteen. Then I see the bottle of water and two white pills with a post-it note, "take these". Following instructions I take them hoping to stop my head from exploding.

As I get up I almost trip over the big heap on the floor. Looking closely in the dim morning light I notice it's not a pile of blankets but a body. A large male body asleep on the floor next to the bed. His arms are folded under his head for a pillow, his dark hair is sticking up and mussed. Those long black eyelashes rest closed. His face is covered with dark stubble giving him a dangerous sexy look. Watching his chest rise and fall steadily, slowly in a deep sleep I looked at his lips, soft pink and parted slightly. I could hear him softly snoring away.

His thick arm was bare. Looking hard I can just make out the tattoo on his arm. I can't read it clearly but it's definitely words that wrap around his bicep. Curious I lean a little closer to try to read it. The only word that I can easily make out is family.


He let me sleep in his bed. He took the floor. The gesture was sweet and gracious. My eyes softened on him and something warm fluttered in my chest. Did he do this to keep me safe?

I jump when he shifts in his sleep. Rolling over to his other side and murmuring something I can't make out. As he rolls the covers fall off him and his back is bare to me. I can only see smooth tan skin, tight over firm muscles that lead to dark boxers covering his hips.

My heart begins to pick up speed. Thump, thump, thump.

I should get out of here before he gets moving. I should be long gone before there are questions I can't answer, before it gets uncomfortable for both of us. Seeing my dress, purse and shoes across the room on a chair, nicely folded and waiting for me moves me. He took care, not just with me but my things.

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