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The Dual Threat Series (available on Amazon)
3 books
The Strike Zone Series (available on Amazon)
3 books
The Moss Bluff Series (available on Amazon)
4 books
The Full Circle Series (available on Amazon)
3 books
The Bradford Series
3 books
Our Beginnings (Georgia Bradford's Memoir) Wattpad release only

The Third Generation Series
4 books


Finally, senior year of college. I decided to follow in my uncle Blake's footsteps in every possible way. My family is the most important thing in my life. I've got my boys, part of them are my family and the rest are friends that I was lucky enough to have close to me growing up. I'm the star quarterback at UCLA, beating my uncles records into the dust, which I try to remind him about every time I see him. This usually ends in a family football game at the family's field to prove me wrong.


I've got the girl, Leighton, my high school sweetheart. After getting together in our senior year, we decided to make the long distance thing work. We're going along okay for three years now, with a few bumps, but she's at college at NYU, on the other side of the country. You know the out of sight, out of mind mentality really does exist. She's a nice girl, from a nice family and it's all just.... nice. I just seem to end up feeling empty lately and my world feels like something is lacking.

I've watched my Dad and uncles, I have heard them say it was fireworks and that there was this electricity of excitement when they met the women in our family. I've seen that chemistry they talk about, it really does exist. I have to believe that's the reason I'm feeling it's not the distance that's been causing this emptiness between Leighton and I for the last year. Nice just isn't what I want anymore.

The breaks just aren't long enough to get there with her. We might get there eventually but I don't know if we will get that chance. I don't want to lose a shot of finding that chemistry I've seen all my life in those so important to me. In the meantime, what she doesn't know won't hurt her and I can get my uncertainty out of my system. There's a lot of women to discover here and I plan on discovering as many as I can, just like uncle Blake did.

I've got everything I could ask for. Looks, talent, money, girls dropping their panties as I walk by, my grades are impeccable and my game is gonna take me to the pro's. I'm the king of the campus. I've got it all, so why do I feel like I'm screwing it up?

"Heads up!" Sawyer yells out as I throw an amazing spiral out past him.

He races to catch it and just gets his hands on it in front of the girls right before it hits Emery. Her hands cover her face as she braces for the hit. He catches the ball, jumps over our cousin and rolls over the ground.

"Jerkface, you almost kicked me!" Emery yells tossing her water bottle at Sawyer. He catches it tossing the ball to Harper, Emery's older brother.

"If he had broken your nose it would have been an improvement, Em!" Harper teases her. She knows he doesn't mean it though when he kisses the top of her head and walks back towards me. Emery in turn sticks her tongue out and grins.

This is our family's favorite pastime, football. If we aren't playing it, we're watching it. We've grown into a huge family over the years and we seem to only get bigger but as my grandma Georgia says family isn't built with blood, it's built with love. We have plenty of that in this family and if one of us is in trouble, celebrating or playing ball, everyone comes running.

Our family lives and breathes football. Uncle Blake, and uncle Derrick played with Uncle Breyden on the Niners until they retired several years ago.  All of our friends and family who were on different teams across the country gather off season and everyone comes home, here on the west coast. Uncle Matt and Aunt Chelsea run McConnell Sports Management. Of course everyone in the family and all our friends use them. Matt, having thirty years in the business, is the best manager out there.

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